Chapter 5- Through the woods

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Greyson kept running in a hurry to help the two camp councilors that are going to get hurt by a creature. Armed with a harpoon. From what he could tell, his guess is ether a scary version of a merman, or some creature from the black lagoon. But ether way, there was no time to think. Only time to rescue the two camp councilors. The man kept running, but isn't aware he is already running into some woods. Which is the other way to get to them.

Greyson's POV

I kept running, I needed to hurry and save those remaining camp councilors. No time to think, or even pay attention where I'm going. I do see some trees around me. I scanned what's in front of me. Just paths, and some trees I passed by. Its a race against time, and I need to make it at the other end of this woods. But something stopped me. Something shoot passed my path in a flash and hit a tree. I checked the tree, and I see an arrow.

I turned my head real fast, and I have found who shot the arrow. A figure wearing a cult's robes focused on me. The cult figure reached for another arrow from its quiver. And spoke to me.

"Our leaders would be pleased when we fetch this nice specimen to them." The cult said. "We?" After saying that, I knew what he's implying. I see more cults emerge. Some are wielding swords, ritual daggers, and of course I see more using bows.

"Looks like we're doing this huh? Okay then. I cocked the handgun. Bring it." I said in a serious action movie tone.

Jacob's POV

Me and Emma are face to face with this missing link, or something from the black lagoon. Using a harpoon, thinking of using it on one of us any second if we don't do something. It started to walk slowly towards us. If we react by one second, he could surprise both of us.

"Jacob? What do we do?" Emma asked me. I think if we kept backing up, while he walks away from the boathouse. Maybe there could be something useful in there. "Keep backing away, I have a plan." Jacob said. "You do? What is it?" Emma asked. "On my signal, once we stop. Let's move at the best possible moment when its about to lunge at us with a harpoon." I said. "And then?" Emma waited. "Hit him with a frying pan, and make a run for it to the boathouse." I explained to her. She might not like the part about smacking it with a frying pan. But she nodded her head that she's got it in her head.

I stopped, and she stopped moving. We watched and getting ready to dodge out of harm's way. Once the fish looking creature reached us. It started to raise the harpoon and pulls its elbow back. About to jab at us. Then I yelled the signal. "Emma, now!" We both dodged the harpoon, and at the nick of time. Emma whacked it with her pan. Sending it to the ground.

"Now's our chance, let's go!" I called, and we make a run for the boathouse.

Emma's POV

Oh crap, oh freaking crap. Did I just smacked that missing link with an everyday kitchen pan? I don't know how to feel about that, but no time to brag girl. We ran to the boathouse, and opened the door. Inside we could see there's a motorboat. And some stuff that would be very handy. Some bow and arrows. And even a machete.

"Jacob, you got any other ideas?" I asked. I see him ponder for a bit. He looks at the motorboat, then the other stuffs here in the boat. The net, fishnet, and he finds two cases. One contains another flare gun, the other one is first aid. He snaps his fingers. "Emma, I think we found our little ticket to get us, and the others to the mess hall. But first. He turns his head to the door. We hear the same wet footsteps. Its about to find us at the door.

He turns his head back to me. Grab that machete, and hurry." He ordered. So I managed to get the machete. Jacob grabbed a pair of nets "Then what?" I asked. "We wait for him." Jacob said. He held the net tightly. And I held the machete very tight. I think I know where this is going.


Greyson hid behind the big tree on the ground to take cover from the arrows firing at him. Greyson peeked up, and shoots one of the cults in the head. Then points another, and shoots it. Another one dropped from the ground. He ducked from the arrows flying passed him from above. He peeked again, and shot the third one down.

He parried the cult's sword with its barrel from its handgun. And shot that swordsman cult. He dodged their cult dagger's slash, and another. He punched it in the face, catching the ritual dagger it let go, and threw one at another cult with the dagger. Hitting it on its forehead. Even though its face is unseen to him. But he did grunt, and fall on the ground.

Greyson ran and checked the magazine from his handgun. He sees he's down to five bullets left. Then he puts the magazine back in the gun, and clocked it. He sees more swordsmen in the in his path. Three of them. Greyson decided to put the gun up for a moment. To fight them hand to hand so he could preserve the bullets. Even if he's out. He only has three magazines left for his handgun. With that, he charged toward those hooded cults.

Greyson grabbed the handle of the sword, and sucker punched it. Taking the sword, and swordfights with another swordsman. Blocking two of its swings. Upon the third, he parries and riposte in the chest. Kicking the second one. The third one dodged the lifeless swordsman and jumped in the air to strike. Greyson pulls the handle, and throws the sword at it. Hitting the swordsman right in its face. And falls to the ground.

Greyson dusted his shoulder. "Its been a while since I had a fight like this. All that training definitely pulled off. About time this case got interesting. Now then." Greyson hurried off, and made it to the other end of the woods.

However, a tall figure in a robe. Wearing a bandage on its head. While also wearing a crown showing a crescent shaped, with an eye. Stood and looking at all the cults that had fallen to a human like Greyson. "One after another. He stood victorious against all odds. I do wonder why he's in such a hurry? Doesn't hurt to take a look." Its four red eyes opened.

Back at the boathouse, Jacob and Emma waited for something to show up at the door. After some intense silence. The door begins to bang. It banged hard at the door. Jacob grabs the doorknob. "On three. Emma gets ready while holding the machete tight. One, two, THREE!" Jacob opens the door, revealing the same fish like monster outside.

Emma backs away a little to get away from him. Once it comes in the boat house. Jacob throws the net over him. It struggled to get it off. "Now!" Jacob yelled his signal. This is Emma's que. Without any hesitation. She lunged at it with a machete. Stabbing it in the chest. It slowed it down, but it still remained standing. The fish monster got its net off of it. And focuses on Emma.

Emma backed all the way up until she hits a wall. No way out. Jacob was about to hurry and help her. All of a sudden. A gunshot. Emma opened her eyes to see the monster stopped. At last, it fell back on the ground. Emma looked to see its someone with a gun. "Are you alright?" Greyson asked. Jacob emerged from the side of the door to see Greyson holding a gun. Figuring out it was him who finished off this fish creature.

"Who you might be sir?" Jacob asked. "Greyson. I'm a cop here to help." Greyson said. Emma and Jacob are relived to see a cop. "Hot dog I am glad you came. I don't suppose you came here to investigate this marathon of a hallow campground?" Jacob wondered.

Jacob grabbed the machete from its chest of a monster. Him and Emma came out from the boathouse. "Well, we were here to investigate this camp because there's people going missing." Greyson said. Emma's eyes wide in fear. "There are people going missing?" Emma said. "I'm afraid so. And now whoever arrived here are now the recent victims. Including us." Greyson said it straight up. Emma and Jacob do get what he's saying. And he's right.

Jacob almost forgot the one thing he was suppose to do. "Well now that thing is out of the way. We just need to get all of us to the mess hall." Jacob said. "That sounds like a plan. Are there anyone else out there alive?" Greyson asked. "There's a camp councilor protecting the kids." Emma said. "We need to use the flare gun to signal her its safe to come out. And guide them to the mess hall. But right now, we need to choose which way?" Jacob said.

"I managed to get here through the woods. But I think the woods isn't a good idea. I had to deal with these cults trying to kill me." Greyson said. "Excuse me?" Jacob got surprised hearing this. "Did you say, cults?" Emma asked in fear. "I did, and their no easy task. They do come in numbers. So I think their still lurking in there." Greyson said.

"Then there's one option left. Jacob turns to face the lake. We have to cross the lake."

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