Gray Joins The Union

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Reposted from my ao3 account Mzxria


"Stephan Ahn... he was moved to another hospital."

"His treatment options here were very limited, and the patient's guardians wanted to leave this place as well."

Gray stepped out of the hospital, luggage in hand.

He was approached by a figure with blond, jagged hair, tattoos, piercings, and candy red eyes.

"Are you Gray Yeon?" The older boy asked in a professional manner, slowly approaching Gray.

He was accompanied by a taller boy with red hair and glasses.

"Who the hell are you?" Gray stared at the blond male, caution clear on his face.

"I'm Donald Na." He announced

"I noticed you and I had the same score at Olympiad. I need capable people so I'm here to offer you a position in the Yeongeunngpo Union." Donald looked at Gray.

He then noticed that the boy had a bag he was carrying. The bag looked like a travel bag. He was curious as to why he was holding a bag.

'Is he visiting someone here? I should have chosen somewhere else more appropriate to meet him; he might decline based on emotions.' Donald Na thought.

"What would I get?" Gray inquired, not particularly interested, but he knew the man in front of him was not someone to ignore casually.

Donald smiled.

A smile of hunger and expectation. He hadn't spoken to this boy for even a minute, but he knew he made the right choice personally by coming out to meet him based on tone and how he carried himself.

'He didn't even ask what the union was; either he knows about it, which I doubt since this isn't very close, or he has no interest and just wants to get out of here.' Donald smiled at his thoughts.

"You would get an appropriate amount of money for the work you do," Donald responded.

Gray seemed to think for a moment.

"Okay. I'll join." Gray nodded

Donald was taken aback; he didn't expect to be accepted by someone who wasn't even in the Yeongeun region.

"You are quite far from the—" Donald was speaking before Gray interjected.

"I'll be moving to Yeongdeungpo, and I will be attending a high school there,"

Kingsley looked at Donald with a little worry; Gray had just cut him off, and he wasn't sure what Donald would do.

Donald let out a laugh that sounded slightly exaggerated.

"What a coincidence! Here is my personal phone number. Let me know once you've settled in so I can prepare your work," Donald said.

As Donald and Kingsley were walking away and Gray stood there, Donald stopped walking.

"I suggest you learn how to throw punches that do less damage to your knuckles," Donald said, continuing to walk, not looking back once.

Donald had noticed Gray's knuckles were bruised; he could tell those were from someone who had recently gotten into a fight.

He had gotten them when he first started fighting and wasn't completely aware of how to fight.

Donald just never expected someone with such a small frame to get into fights, especially someone from Byakusan with a record like Gray's.

Gray to Black (Union Gray AU)Where stories live. Discover now