Meeting The School Heads

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Gray arrived at the office building a bit earlier than intended. He didn't want to be late so he got there sooner.

He waited outside the building, waiting for the others to enter before he did.

Wearing a casual gray shirt with long sleeves. It highlighted his skinny body, though no longer boney.

As the time came close to the intended meeting time, Gray saw a few familiar faces enter the building, though they didn't notice Gray.

Well, except for one.

A boy with purple hair and glasses stared Gray down. Gray did the same in return.


The boy, known as Wolf Keum, was staring at Gray, now approaching him.

Wolf Keum. He doesn't like it when people stare at him for longer than 3 seconds. It's a rule of his. Do I have time to fight with him? Would Donald allow it?

Wolf was closing in on Gray, preparing to beat the daylights out of him.

"Hey-" Wolf was cut off by a phone call from Donald.

"Fuck" Wolf looked down and picked up.

"Yeah?" Wolf asked.

"Get your ass up here now." Donald spoke in a cold tone.

"I'll be there in a bit. I need to finish something" Wolf spoke.

"I don't think I made myself clear. Come up here. Now." Donald spoke in a more firm voice.

Wolf put his phone in his pocket.

"You got lucky you fucker" Wolf said, flicking his cigarette on Gray.

Gray stared at his shirt, shaking with rage.

"Hah.. HAhaA" Gray let out a deranged laugh.

Wolf Keum that asshole

Gray took out his handkerchief and wiped off the spot that was marked with ash. He waited another 5 minutes before going upstairs in the meeting.

"You can come in now" Donald spoke.

Gray slowly walked in the door, facing the boys in the room.

"Gray Yeon" Donald addressed him by his name.

"You?!" Jimmy yelled out, pointing at Gray.

Gray let a smile slip. A cold, chilling smile that caused the atmosphere to turn a bit dark.

"This is Gray Yeon from Eunjang highschool." Donald introduced.

"That little fucker's a part of this shit show?" Wolf asked.

Donald gave Wolf a warning look.

"Tsk" Wolf tsked

"Nice to meet you. I'm Jake Ji" Jake greeted.

Gray offered a slight nod.

"Introduce yourselves" Donald spoke like a teacher.

"Jimmy Bae" Jimmy spoke.

Wolf just stared at Gray.

"Forrest Lee" Forrest introduced himself.

I don't think Wolf Keum will let this matter go. I want to fight him.

It seems like Wolf had the same plans but Donald was not having the same idea.

"I won't tolerate any inner conflict" Donald spoke, snapping both Wolf and Gray out of their staring contest.

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