Eugene Wakes Up (Ending)

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Stephan wasn't completely honest with Gray about getting approval from the doctor to be released. He still needed to stay at the hospital until he was completely in the clear.

He frequently stayed at Eugene's bedside, consumed with guilt. This time was no different.

Stephan asked his mother if he could transfer to the same hospital Eugene was staying at.

At first, his mother was against it, but she saw his determination and his firm stance towards this request.

This was the first time he had firmly requested something since the incident.

She eventually gave in, allowing Stephan to move and be with his friend.

As Stephan stayed at the foot of Eugene's bed as he'd usually done, Eugene's eyes flickered open. His whole body felt extremely sore, and he was in excruciating pain.

"Urgh" Eugene groaned, catching the attention of Stephan.

Stephan was shocked at the sudden movement and called out for any nurses or doctors to check out Eugene's condition.

As soon as he called the doctors, he walked outside and tried to call Gray, but Gray didn't respond.

Stephan then called Ben, the only other person whose number he had.

Ben immediately ran to the hospital, meeting Stephan, who was waiting in front. He was sweaty and was wearing a red tank top from working out, not having enough time to change.

Ever since the fight with Donald, Ben has been working harder to improve his strength and physique.

"Eugene woke up?" Ben asked, looking at Stephan with wide eyes.

"He woke up around 7 minutes ago. The doctor is currently checking on his condition," Stephan said.

Alex appeared right after Ben; he was wearing casual clothing with a jacket thrown over.

Teddy and Rowan could be seen running to the scene, both appearing disheveled from rushing over.

"Where's Eugene?" Rowan asked, appearing right in front of Stephan.

"He's in the room; he woke up, and the doctor is checking him out," Stephan informed

Gerard was the next to be seen, appearing a few seconds after Stephan spoke.

He was slightly out of breath. He ran from the school where he was sleeping.

"Eugene...?" Gerard asked.

"He's getting checked out," Ben told Gerard.

Gerard nodded.

"Is Gray here?" Rowan asked, looking around.

Stephan shook his head.

"No, he didn't answer his phone. I sent him a message," Stephan said.

A black car rolled up by the curb.

Gray appeared to be exiting the black car from the passenger seat.

He was wearing a neat and professional black long-sleeve shirt, accompanied by black pants.

He had his hair slightly slicked back while still having strands in front. It appeared a bit unkempt, yet presentable.

Gray came from meeting up with the first person on the list of people to rebuild a better union.

Donald and Gray were outside the person's house, but when Gray got the text, Donald viewed Gray's phone and told him to leave.

Donald had Kingsley accompany him and drive him to the hospital.

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