Gray's Betrayal

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The Day Of The Fight:
Gray dressed for the occasion. He went to the meeting spot, the bridge, in a white coat to shield him from the rain.

He didn't bring anything else. He left his items, like his wallet and phone, at home. He didn't know if he would be involved in the fights, so he didn't want anything to slow him down.

Gray met up with Donald and Kingsley at his office.

Donald dressed in what he usually wears: a long-sleeved black shirt with an expensive sweater over it.

"Let's go," Donald said, taking the lead.

It was dark outside, and it started sprinkling. The raindrops dripped off Gray's soft hair onto his coat.

Eunjang and their Allies were already waiting under the bridge.

Nobody knew where Gray was; they expected him to be there already.

"Could anyone get a hold of Gray?" Ben asked.

"I tried calling a couple times, but there was no response," Gerard shared.

"Nothing for me either." Rowan added

Teddy shook his head, showing he didn't know either.

Ben continued to call Gray's phone repeatedly.

"Don't tell me he chickened out." A random voice in the crowd voiced

"Kekeke, he'll be here," Wolf said, approaching the crowd with a cigarette in hand.

"What makes you say that?" Alex asked

He didn't even get an answer because they all soon found out why.

Right in front of them was Donald, who led the Union members towards the meeting site. Gray was seen right beside Donald.

The place was silent as Donald and Gray walked up the stairs to get to higher ground, leaving the Union members below them on ground level.

They both stood tall, looking down on the members of both sides. Kingsley was right behind them.

"Gray?! What are you doing over there?" Ben called out, snapping out of his daze.

"Isn't it obvious? You've been played," Wolf revealed.

"You mean?" Alex asked.

Gray's eyes looked away from the group below him, facing anywhere but their shocked faces.

"GRAY! WHAT ARE YOU DOING UP THERE? COME DOWN!" Ben called out desperately, refusing to believe what Wolf said.

The members of Eunjang and their allies watched with wide eyes; they never expected to see Donald and Gray standing side by side so calmly.

Scratch that; they never expected to see Donald and Gray side by side at all.

"Kekeke, he's a part of the Union, you idiots," a random member of the Union revealed.

"He even went to the meeting where we talked about beating you," another member laughed.

"What are you saying?" Teddy asked, appearing angry at the words of the extras.

"He's been on Donald's side the whole time," Wolf said.

"You're lying!" Rowan called out

"Believe me or not, the proof is right in front of you." Wolf pointed towards Gray.

Gerard and Alex were staring at Gray.

Gray continued to avoid their gaze.

"Are you sure you'll be okay?" Donald asked.

Gray to Black (Union Gray AU)Where stories live. Discover now