~The first few looks~

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Y/n woke up to 20 missed calls from Tommy. He sighed as he got out of bed and called Tommy back. It was a warm summer morning, the sun was shining through the windows y/n had just opened. Tommy answered the call and y/n asked why the heck he called him so early in the morning. Tommy said that he was bored and wanted to play Minecraft with y/n. Y/n explained that he couldn't because he had to go to work in an hour and didn't want to get late again, since his boss held a whole talk about y/n arriving later then usual. Tommy fake cried and said what a b*tch y/n was for not playing Minecraft with him. Y/n said he will call Tommy after work and ended the call. He went to his closet and got dressed in a casual red shirt with black swim shorts. He didn't get dressed all fancy, since he might need to jump in the sea to save someone. Although he never actually had to, yet he still didn't take the risk. Y/n went to the kitchen and made himself a coffee, before he had to go to work.
Y/n checked Twitter and insta before he left the house and drove to work. When y/n arrived at the beach, he got there 10 minutes early. Y/n was alone and there were very few people at the beach. He decided to scroll through tiktok to make his boredom go away. More and more people came and went into the water, it was 30 degrees outside, burning hot to be honest. Y/ns cheeks were hot and red. He could feel the heat. He flinched when a guy behind him said „Hello! Y/n! You came early." It was his boss, Joseph.
„Well I didn't want to get late again." y/n responded. Joseph went into the small house, next to the lifeguards seat and sat down, on his phone. Couldn't really blame him, it was very hot. You look around, bored. Suddenly, you see a tall man with brown curly hair and glasses sitting on the beach. You don't know why, but he caught your attention. He was wearing a white t-Shirt with some band on it together with what you assumed were striped swim pants. He looked back at you, and you immediately look down, blushing, but it was so hot that your face only got a little more red than it already was. The guy had beautiful brown eyes and bright pink lips. He had a sharp jawline. God he was gorgeous. You wanted to go up and talk to him, but you were at work and you were too anxious to even walk past him. You realized from the corner of your eye, that the strange guy was staring at you, smiling. You saw that his cheeks were red, but that was probably just the heat. You felt even more nervous, since you knew he was looking at you.

Wilbur pov:
I saw that the lifeguard was looking at me, so I smiled back at him. But he looked down and if I didn't doubt my eyes he might have gotten a bit redder than he was before. Honestly, I blushed too. He did look good. He had fluffy cute hair, Hazel eyes and a lovely smile. God. I can't be simping over a guy I literally just saw for the first time in my life and that I had never spoken to. God why am I such an idiot. And the fact that he is a guy makes it even worse. I can't be gay. Especially not simping over a guy that I literally just saw 5 minutes ago. Jesus. I really am an idiot. I continued to stare at him for a good 15 minutes. I am such a fucking stalker.

Back to y/n after work!!!
Y/n was laying in his bed, staring at his wall. How is he so damn pretty. Y/n thought. He remembered that he promised to call Tommy, so he stood up and went to his gaming room. Y/n called Tommy and they played Minecraft for about 3 hours. After their call, y/n went to the store, because he forgot that he needed tomato sauce for his noodles. It was really burning outside, but y/n finally made it to the store. It was WAY cooler in the store than outside. Y/n went to the food aisle and searched tomato sauce. He found them, but he was too short to actually reach the cans of tomato sauce placed on the highest shelf. You looked around for someone who could maybe help you to get a can down. But no one you saw seemed tall enough. Suddenly you hear a voice behind you „Can I help you?" you turn around and see that the same guy from the beach just happened to be in the same store as you, at the same time. He seemed to have recognized you too, because he continued his sentence with „Wait, weren't you the lifeguard that I saw at the beach earlier?" y/n was now clearly blushing, since it wasn't hot in the store at all. „Oh yeah, I work there part-time." you answered. „Oh cool." he gave as a response. „I could actually need some help getting these cans of tomato sauce down haha" you answer to his first question. „Oh yeah sure." He gets a can down and hands it to you. His hands are really nice... you thank him and ask what his name is. „William, but you can call me Wilbur." he responded, smiling, and he looked like he was getting a speck of red on his face aswell. „What's your name?" he asked. „Oh my name is y/n." y/n responded, smiling aswell. „That is a pretty name, y/n" he said. „Uhm so this might sound weird but uh like..." he stopped for a moment. „Uhm...could I maybe get your uhm...your discord?" You looked up at him. „Oh my discord is @xxxxx.xxx!" Wilbur thanked you. Then you parted ways. The only thought you had was he is gorgeous. You came home and immediately fell onto your bed, thinking about Wilbur.

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