~Look at me~

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You arrived at Wilburs house. You rang the doorbell and a few seconds later he stood in the doorframe „Hello! Y/n! I missed seeing you!" „I realized that you simp." I also realized that Wilbur was actually blushing, he wasn't lying. I plopped down on his sofa. He sat down directly next to me. I started to blush now aswell. He is so fucking fine looking. And he isn't even the simp, I am.
„What movie should we watch?" he asked. „Idk, you choose." „But you are the guest. So you choose!" „I appreciate the guest friendliness, but as a guest I should also be able to command you to choose a movie, Dumbie." Wilbur blushed even harder after I said that. Was dumbie really something that idiot blushed on? Haha. What a simp. I can't really go out pointing fingers though. I am a simp aswell. „Fine. I'll think of one, honey." he smirked while saying it. He must've realized that I was blushing. We both are so incredibly stupid. I was still very convinced that he is straight. And even if he was gay, he for sure wouldn't fall for the trans freak. After that dumbass chose the movie we watched it.
Suddenly I got tired. Probably cuz I haven't slept in legit 5 days, but I don't know why I wasn't tired yesterday. I slowly fell asleep
"Hey, n/n. Hey wake up love. It's morning again."
You woke up and it took a moment for you to realize that you fell asleep on Wilbur.
"Oh shit. Wait did I fall asleep on you? Sorry I guess I was just exhausted-"
"Yeah, you did. I didn't mind though...It was honestly kinda nice. I hope I wasn't that bad of a pillow though haha."
"N-No it was...comfortable."
„Now your the simp, y/n!"
„U are more of one. Dumbie."
„Darlingggg" he said with a competitive undertone. Was he trying to see who blushed the fastest or...
„Two can play that game, Wilbur. Or should I say...Dumbass?"
"Shit. Looooovvvveeee"
"Shut it dumbie." Y/n said, looking down, since she was blushing and didnt want to loose. Suddenly, Wilbur put his hand under y/ns chin and pulled his head up to his. „Wil-Wilbur...w-what are you-"
„Hah, now I won. You blushed." „I-that's not fucking fair, you made me blush..." „Really...did I?" Wilbur looked as y/ns lips for a second, still holding y/ns chin. „Y-Yeah..." „Hmmm...well I think u just are a simp. Only reason your blushing right now. Would you blush if this were to be a other friend of yours?" „Uh-I-I probably wouldn't...n-no..." „Mhm. See. Simp." „W-Well you do have...a good looking face. And good looking hands..." now Wilbur was blushing aswell as he realized in what position he just had put y/n in. „There's no way I couldn't blush at that." y/n said. „God, y/n. Stop doing this shit to me..." he was getting really red. „Well, now your the simp." „We're both simps, y/n..." „Haha, dumbie" „Shut it y/n...im serious. I will literally explode any moment now." „Let's hope not, love." „I-I am going to if u continue n/n." „I'll take that as fair warning, but just to remind you that your hand is still stabilizing my chin." „Oh shit-yeah um..." he removed his hand from my chin and looked down.

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