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You looked over to him. He looked over to you. You caught yourself blushing again. For like the trillionth time. „So, do you want to idk like watch a movie or something?" he asked. „Sure, let's watch Oppenheimer(ik its only in cinema but fuck reality)." you replied. He turned on Oppenheimer. You could feel his hand get placed on yours, it gave you butterflies. You knew that he really couldn't be into you, but you still enjoyed being with him. You had tried to ignore any feelings for him, but you couldn't. You had fallen too deeply for him. So, you decided to just tell yourself that there was no fucking chance you would end up with him, but still enjoyed being around him. He wasn't gay, and you knew that. He even told you that he had a crush a few times. He never necessarily mentioned who it was or that it was a girl, but you were sure it had to be a girl. He was your straight friend. He never said that he didn't like men or even that he liked woman, but you were still sure he wasn't gay. He just couldn't be. Would be way too good coincidence if he were to be gay.

TIMESKIP: Next morning

„Y/n. Goodmorning!" you heard Wilbur say as he woke you up. „Goodmorning mr. Gold." he chuckled. You smiled. His laugh and smile were so incredibly cute. „I tried to make breakfast" he said, and handed you a plate of half burnt egg. „I don't think you can consider THAT breakfast, but atleast you tried I guess haha." you laughed. „Well, you are gonna have to teach me some day how to cook, y/n." „Yeah I do really have to do that, don't I." you sat down on the chair in the kitchen, facing Wilbur. „That's actually not as bad as I expected." you said, chewing on the egg. „Thank you I guess." After food you wanted to take your plate and go put it into the sink, but Wilbur took it from you. „Oh thanks." „My pleasure." he came back and said that he had a meeting and y/n sadly had to go. „Absolutely no problem, thanks a lot, will!" You put on your shoes and took your keys. „Bye, y/n. I'll text you after the meeting!" „Bye Wilbur!" you left his house. You went back to yours and came home a few minutes later. 30 minutes after you came back, you got bored. You thought that Wilbur was still at the meeting, and decided to go on a walk into your local park.

Short cuz next thing needs extra chapter.<3

~The tall guy at the water~Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora