~Discord chat~

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Suddenly, your phone starts buzzing. You pick it up and see 5 notifications from discord.

Wilbur soot added you as a friend
Wilbur: Hey, y/n. How are you? :)
Wilbur: Sorry if I seem like a stalker, I swear I'm not haha.
Wilbur: Y/n?
Wilbur: Are you on?
Me: Oh shit. Yeah so sorry Wilbur. I didn't look at my phone.
Wilbur: No problem. So, how are you doing? :D
Me: Pretty good. Kinda stressed cause of some stupid stuff but besides that I'm fine. How are you?
Wilbur: I'm doing great. Why are you stressed? xx

You blushed when you read the two x's.

Me: Well, I don't want to bug you with my own problems. I am an adult, so I should be able to handle them myself.
Wilbur: No, no. You can talk to me if u want to. Of course you don't have to but you can! <3

God. Again. Why is he doing that?

Me: Well, I haven't really gotten much sleep the past 4 days...
Me: Well, I have been busy lately. I streamed and edited videos and went to work and stuff...
Wilbur: Wait...you stream? Oh my god. I stream too!
Me: Oh my god that's so sick. What's your user?
Wilbur: @WilburSoot haha.
Me: Cool! I'll check you out sometime!
Wilbur: Okay, so sleep lack. But is there anything else bugging you? And if yes I wanna know if I could help. <3


Me: Well. It's kinda something that you can't help with I think. But uhm like... Actually, can you call me?
Wilbur: Sure, love! x

Why did he say love...? Shit. Now I'm red again.

You have started a voice call with Wilbur Soot

„Hey, y/n" Wilbur said
„Hello Wilbur!"
„So, what did you want to tell me, love?"
Love. That word sounded so... It gave me butterflies. Strong ones. So I began to stutter. I knew I had to tell Wilbur that I was infact trans, but I was nervous. Really nervous.
„Uh well, I-I-I have-I have to...I'm trans."
„Hey, y/n. Shhh. That is completely fine."
Wilbur must have noticed my tears. Fuck.
„I'm sorry- I should have told you earlier and I should have told you basically immediately and I shouldn't be fucking crying right now I'm sorry I-"
„Hey, y/n. Seriously. It's fine. And I am so proud of you for telling me. Ok? You are a man. A real one. Might weren't born one but you can't help what gender you are born in. Y/n. Love. Please. It's ok."
'Love' my face was getting red.
„I just-I should probably go to fucking hell for being trans. I'm a stupid kid who thinks that their a boy. Nothing but a child. A useless, annoying child."
I started crying even more.
„Hey...darling. You shouldn't go to hell. You aren't a stupid little child, y/n. You are one of the most amazing people I've met...ever. And I don't know you since too long but I do know that you are so far away from useless. Y/n. I wish I could just hug you right now. And kiss your forehead(he whispered) I really enjoy talking to you and please never think you don't deserve what you have."
His voice was so comforting. And he was so nice.
„Thank you so much Wilbur...It really makes me feel better when you are around..."
„No problem, Sweetheart."
„Dumbass simp."
„Haha no I'm not."
„I wasn't the one to fucking as for my discord."
„Well, you were good-looking at the beach and in the store. Couldn't help it."
„I'm not!!!!"
„U are."
„Ughhh. I guess I can't deny it anymore haha."

You guys talked for 4 hours.
You told Wilbur that you were going to atleast try to get sleep and you ended the call.

You stood up from your bed. You weren't tired. You didn't want to go to sleep. You didn't even want to get ready for bed. All you wanted is to talk to Wilbur. Have him around you.

Y/n saw the time. 4:30am. I should get some sleep. But why can I not sleep. I'm supposed to be tired. I haven't slept in the last 4 fucking days I should be tired...

I somehow forced myself to sleep.
When I woke up it was already 12:36.
I had free today so I didn't have to wake up extra early.

You heard buzzing from your phone.
Wilbur texted you.

Wilbur: Hello sweetheart. Are you awake? I really miss talking to you haha. I admit I might be a simp. I was wondering if you had time to come to my place some time today? Hang out and watch a movie or play a game. Just to chill really? <3
Me: God dumbass you really are a simp.
Also yes I have free today and don't have anything to do anyway. When can I come?
Wilbur: Anytime you can love. xx
Me: Gosh darn it u are such a simp pahahahaha. Uh 30 mins? I gotta know where you live tho haha.
Wilbur: Oh yeah sorry, xxxxxx xx is my address.
You better not be some old creep.
Me: We met 2 times + called dumbie. No chance I'm a creep. Haha.
Wilbur: You really do enjoy calling me dumb, don't you?
Me: Might be. You really enjoy calling me love, huh?
Wilbur: Might be. Checkmate.
Me: Hah gotcha. Dumbie~
Wilbur is typing...
Shit. Fuck. Why did I have to add the '~'
Wilbur: You are fucking cute stop.
Me: Is the poor little Wilbur baby simping over me again?
Wilbur: I'm not a baby. If one of us is one, then it's definitely you haha.
Me: Oh so now I'm a baby huh? x
Wilbur: Stfu or else my head will explode like a tomato when you bite into it.
Me: Wait ur actually fr blushing? Haha
Wilbur: ..yeah...kinda...
Holy fuck. What the fuck was happening?!
Wilbur: It's just cause you are literally trying to make me...
Me: I'm almost there btw
Wilbur: Ok<3

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