~Tommy is a prick~

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TW: violence, sh, etc too lazy to write
(anxiety and depression in general sensitive topics if you are struggling please do reach out!</3)

(timeskip: 1 week after the fight)

You woke up in Wills arms, his hands were still bruised from that dickhead stepping on them, but all you felt was guilt. You are the reason why he fought. It's all your fault. The voices in your head got louder, you had been clean for a month now and it was just really getting harder to resist against it. You slowly managed to get out of Wilburs loving arms and went into his bathroom. Frantically searching for a razor or anything to cvt with, you found a blade and let the blood run, you only let out small sobs, but suddenly you stopped and heard a familiar voice. "Sunshine? Where are you?" William asked from the other room, fuck. "Y/n? Hello?" he knocked on the bathroom door. "Uh- Im j-just I- I'm just brushing my te-teeth" you said with a clear shake in your voice. "...y/n that doesn't sound like you are brushing your teeth...open the door." He demanded, with a worried tone to his usually calm voice. Fuck. Now what? If you opened the door, you would have only hurten him even more, if you left it closed he would die from worry. You soon realized you fucked up. BADLY. "I- uhm..." should I open it? I mean it was his house after all. "A-alright give me a second..." you replied, trying to find bandages. Will left out a sigh, "Fine. Take your time..." he said, still worried. JACKPOT! you thought, you found a whole first aid kit. Quickly you rapped the bandages on your arms and new scars, and opened the door after putting the aid kit back to its place. "See? I was just bru-" "Y/n, show me your arms. now." he said, looking at your arms. "B-but mr- mr soot... I- I just brushed my teeth it-" "N o w." he demanded. You sighed as you began to roll your sleeves up, revealing the bandages. "I knew it." he said "Your attempt to hide it was really painful to hear..." "IM SO SORRY WILBUR, I FUCKED UP I KNOW, I AM SO SORRY I-" Wilbur held a pointing finger over your lips, you could feel your butterflies grow even though it was by far less romantic in this moment. "Hey, y/n...It-It does hurt to see you like this...but it's- it's okay. I used to uhm...do that too...I understand why you couldn't resist the urge, especially with the whole fighting thing having happened, I don't want you thinking the reason I got hurt was you. Y/n you are a amazing pretty boy and It just...It hurts." did he just call me pretty? you thought "W-Wilbur, what did the world deserve to have you on here?" you felt the aching of your wrists get worse, you didn't even really acknowledge the pain before, but now you did. "Ow, my- my arm..." you whispered half to yourself and half to Will. All of a sudden he picked you up princess style and dropped you on his bed. "Ok, let's see, can I help you somehow?" he smiled as he looked down at you "Uh no...i'm good i think..." you said, forcing a smile.

timeskip cause i'm a lazy cvnt
a day after that happened

„Wilbur I should probably go home. I've been here for like 5 days, also I haven't streamed in a long time people are freaking out." you said as you walked downstairs. „Awh but darling I don't want you leaving" he said in a sarcastic way making a baby face „Will, I have so much stuff to do." you replied laughing at wilbur's expression „Mrrrm FINE." he said, crossing his arms „Oh what, does the little baby need me here?" you said smirking as you looked down to him sitting on the sofa „N-no I don't." he responded „Well okay then, text you later~" you winked at him before grabbing your keys and coat n walking out to your house.

Wilbur pov:

„Well okay then, text you later" he said and winked. I could feel my face heat up. Before I could say anything he just left. He winked at me?! Whatever wilbur, it was just a joke. You really have to knock him out of your little brain!

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