~Stars over the water~

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You just woke up. You looked at your phone. 8:00. You stood up to get dressed for work. A heatwave was announced so you didn't even mind to put on a shirt, you just slipped on some swim-shorts, brushed your hair and teeth and made your way to the beach. It wasn't that hot when you arrived, but you knew it was going to be burning today. A few children were playing in the water, a few adults were laying at the beach sunbathing, but there wasn't much going on. Joseph was sitting in the little house and you sat down in the red lifeguard chair. You got a few weird looks from some parents, assumingly from your top surgery scars. You got bored. It was already 25 degrees outside and you were sweating extremely. The fact that you were on t didn't necessarily make it any better. You pulled out your phone and decided to scroll through twitter or something. Suddenly you get a message from discord. Wilbur wrote you. You smile and open discord

Wilbur: Hey, are you at work? x
Me: Yeah, but it's soooo hotttt. I wish I could come over to your house right now haha.
Wilbur: Yeah, it for sure is. Just make sure to drink enough!<3

Whenever he put the heart, I blushed. I should be used to it by now, but I still seem to find myself blushing.

Me: Thank you, soot. :)
Wilbur: Have fun and don't let children die! x
Me: Wasn't my intention, will. Thanks :D

You closed your phone and put it back into your bag. You were still bored and hot, so you looked around again, trying to find something interesting to watch. You see a tall man with brown curls and glasses. He just now is coming and laying his stuff down. Wait. Is that Wilbur? The man looked at you, and for sure, it was will. You got your phone out again and texted him.

Me: Wilbur? Are you at the beach???
Wilbur: Oh, yeah. I wanted to see you do your job, haha. You came shirtless, probably heat right?
Me: Yeah. It fucking 30 degrees Wilbur. Help me please I am burning.
Wilbur: I don't think there's a way I could help, y/n.
Me: I still am burning. ;(
Wilbur: Should I come and give you a coke? I brought some.
Me: Really? That would be nice haha.
Wilbur: K. <3

Will stood up with a coke in his hand and went over to you. „Hey, y/n. Here a coke." he handed you the coke. „Thanks Wilbur.-" „Hey, no talking to your boyfriend during work hours, y/n!" you heard your boss say from his little house. „That's not my boyfriend, Joseph! It's just a good friend of mine." you giggled. Wilbur laughed too. „Hm yeah sureee. Definitely not your boyfriend, I get it. Still, concentrate on working rather than chatting." You thanked Wilbur and he went back to his towel. God he was so pretty. But he also wasn't gay. That was pretty much for sure. He couldn't be gay. He doesn't like you, at all. Your just stupid. Nobody likes you. Nobody will ever like you. You are a trans freak.
You noticed that Will was staring at you, smiling, maybe even blushing. You for sure were blushing. He was looking at you for a while. Then he looked back at the water. Did he look at your chest? Did he inspect your top surgery scars? You did have a small six-pack. But he for sure wasn't looking at that. He isn't gay after all.
An hour after work.
You were laying in your bed, scrolling through TikTok. You were bored as heck. You decided to write Wilbur, and ask him if you could come over or meet him somewhere.

Me: Hello, Wilbur. Are you busy? I was wondering if we wanted to meet somewhere, because I am so incredibly bored.
Wilbur: Oh hey, n/n. No, I streamed an hour ago already. So where should we meet? xxx
Me: Maybe at your house?
Wilbur: Sure. When?
Me: Hmm... is like 10 minutes good?
Wilbur: Yeah. K. See you<3
Me: See you too. :)

You got dressed in some shorts and a green shirt with a spider-man logo on it. You got your shoes on and took your phone and keys. 5 minutes later you arrived at Wilburs house. You rang the doorbell. „Hey, n/n! Missed ya." he said. „We literally just talked at the beach. Simp." You responded laughing. You sat down on his sofa and he sat down directly next to you. You could feel the butterflies in your stomach, but you also felt a deep pain. You knew he didn't actually like you, and you knew he wasn't actually gay. You didn't know why, but you still couldn't just move on and forget the feelings you had for Wilbur. You really wanted to move on, but you for some reason couldn't. It was too hard. He was not only good looking but he also was really caring and kind. He was perfect. And you were just some dirty little trans f*ggot. „So, why did you want to meet?" He asked, breaking your thoughts. „I don't really know. I was just bored as hell haha." you answered. „Hm. Should I order some pizza? It's getting quite late." „Oh sure." „Which type?" „Uh pizza Hawaii is good." „Okay." he went to the kitchen and came back 3 minutes later. „Food is coming in 30." „Okay, thanks." „No problem." he said as he sat back next to you. „Want to watch something?" he asked. „Sure! You choose though." „Ugh come on, n/n. I had to choose the last 3 times!" „Mrrrmmm fineee. I'll choose." you said and took the remote that was laying on the table in front of you guys. „Wanna watch stranger things?" you asked. „Sure." 20 minutes later you heard a ding. „Oh that's probably the pizza, wait here." „Ok sure." Wilbur came back with two cartons pizza and placed them on the table. Then he sat down next to you again. „This one is Hawaii and the other one is cheese." he explained. You opened the Hawaii box and took a slice out. „Mhm that pizza is good." You said. „I hope so. Can't really judge though." he said. Oh yeah shit. You forgot that he couldn't taste. You two just ate the pizza in complete silence. „Do you want something to drink?" he asked after you were done eating. „Uh yeah, just some water though." you responded. He stood up and went into the kitchen. Two minutes later he came back with a water for you, and an monster for him. „Thanks" you politely said. „No problem, wanna go on a walk to the beach?" he asked. „Sure!" you answered. You got ready and put your jacket and shoes on. You took your phone aswell. You two walked to the beach. The stars were beautiful and the moonlight lit up the area a bit. „The stars look so amazing tonight!" you said. „Yeah, they for sure do." he responded and smirked. All of a sudden, a black cat hopped out of a bush next to you. You flinched and held on to Wills arm. He looked down at you. You were blushing. „Oh shit-sorry that was uh...embarrassing..." you said and let go of his arm. „No no, if you need me to protect you, you could have just said though." he laughed. „I-I don't need you to protect me...I'm 23. I should be able to protect myself!" you responded. „You just jumped cause of a fucking cat, y/n." he laughed again. „Well yeah, it's late and the cat jumped out of the bush.-" „Your just a scared little baby haha." Wilbur was smiling at you. You guys arrived at the beach shortly after. „The water looks really great!" Wilbur said. „You better not throw me in there though, dumbass." „I would not throw you in there, y/n. I might want to, just to see if u can swim. But I won't obviously." he responded. „I have to know how to swim, idiot. My job is to save the lives of people that can't." I sat down in the sand. Wilbur sat right next to me. He looked at me, I could feel his look. He wasn't into me though. Not at all. No chance he liked me. No fucking way. He wasn't even gay. He couldn't like me. I was just a stupid Child who wanted to get extra attention through becoming a boy. I'm nothing but a loser, a dirty loser. I'm weird. I'm nothing. If I would die, would anybody actually care? Would anybody actually stand by my grave? No. Nobody. Nobody would even fucking care to stand by my grave. Not to mention if I even had one. If I was even worth one. I probably wasn't. I'm not worth anything. „Hey...y/n? Are you ok?" his voice broke through your thoughts once again. Oh shit, you realized that you had cried a little. „Uhm...y-yeah all...all good." You put on a fake smile and looked at Wilbur. „It doesn't seem like it's 'all good', y/n." he pulled you in for a hug and held close to him afterwards. You sobbed a bit. Why was he so nice.

Sorry this was so long bahaha anyway eat and drink lol<3

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