~Stay here~

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Before we start, sorry. I watched the Barbie movie at the cinema and couldn't write anything. Just a reminder, you are kenough. <3

TIMESKIP: You came back and are at wills house again.

„It's getting quite late," Wilbur said, „I think I'm gonna go get to bed." „Yeah that's probably better, should I go home or-" „It's 2am. Y/n. Even if you'd have a knife I wouldn't let you out alone at this time. There are a lot of creeps, also it's just scary and dark in general." he said as he got himself a water. „But will, I am a grown man. I can handle walking past a creep or two-" you responded but couldn't finish, cause he cut you off. „N/n, I'm being completely serious right now. I seriously don't want you walking around at this time. I think you should sleep here." Wilbur said. He looked down at you, sitting on the couch. You looked up at him and he smiled. „Fine. I'll stay. But only for one night." you answered. „Good, sleep well, darling." you heard him say as he walked up to his room. „Sleep well too, dumbass." you yelled back. After you had brushed your teeth, you realized you didn't have a shirt to wear. You didn't necessarily want to wear the same shirt that you wore almost the whole day. You wondered if you should just go upstairs and ask will for one. Eventually you went up. You knocked. No answer. Was he sleeping? You decided to just open the door. Wilbur flinched. He didn't have a shirt on and was standing there in his boxers. You quickly closed the door. A few seconds later, will opened it, with now a shirt and pants on. „Uh...h-hi. What did you...uhm...need?" he asked. „I-I just realized that I needed a shirt to sleep..." you said. „Oh, yea. Wait a minute I'll get you one..." he handed you a plain red shirt. „Thanks Wilbur. Sleep good!" „No problem y/n. Goodnight!!!" You went back downstairs and put the shirt on. It smelled a lot like Wilbur. A LOT. You just slept in boxers and his shirt. It was really big for you, but you didn't mind. You fell asleep almost immediately, even though the sofa wasn't really the most comfortable place, you were just really exhausted. „Hey. N/n wake up!" you heard. You opened your eyes and saw Wilbur standing in front of the sofa, looking down at you and smiling. „Goodmorning, sleepyhead." he added. „Morning...how late is it?" you asked and yawned. „10:30. I didn't want to wake you up at first, but then I realized that I don't really know how to cook or bake...and well...would you be fine with making some pancakes?" he asked, quite embarrassed looking. „The strong protector can't make some pancakes? Pah. Yeah, I'll make them." You responded. You went into the kitchen and began to make the pancakes.

TIMESKIP(again, I know. I'm not that creative, ok😭): after pancakes are done

„Here, freshly made pancakes." you said, whilst placing the plate of pancakes on the living room table. Wilbur took one and ate it. „They probably are delicious." he said. He took another one and ate it. „I hope they are." you said and grabbed one aswell. „Mhm, yeah. They are!" you answered Wilbur's question, even though it wasn't really a question, just a nice statement. After you two finished the pancakes, you asked if you should go home. „No, I mean- If you want to of course you can, but I kind of want you to stay. It's nice being around you." Wilbur responded, smiling once again at you. You couldn't help but blush, which led you too look down. Will chuckled. „Uh...yeah I mean...I don't really have anything to do and I guess it would be cool to stay here a bit longer." you said, still looking at the living room floor. „What's so interesting about my floor, n/n?" he asked and chuckled again. You got even redder and decided to look up to him again. „Well- uh... you have a great floor..." you answered, jokingly. „Well if I do, then you should stay here tonight aswell, to inspect my floor, of course." you smiled at him and he smiled back. He wants me to stay? Why would he want me to stay? „Uh sure I guess that works. But I don't have anything to sleep in." „Well, I could give you another shirt. It looks cute on you." he said. „Really? I think it looks kinda weird, but I mean I guess if u think it's fine it is." you blushed again for like the fifth time today. „Blushing, huh y/n." „I-Im not blushing!!!" Wilbur laughed. „Y/n, I see that you are." he replied.

TIMESKIP(again I'm sorry😭👏): before they went to sleep

„I'm getting tired." you said. „Yeah it's already midnight, y/n. Let's go to sleep." Wilbur went upstairs and got a shirt from him. It was a black one with a weird logo on it. He handed it to you and said goodnight. You went back down and put it on. You were too tired to brush your teeth with the toothbrush Will had given you yesterday. Instead you just fell asleep on the couch. When you woke up, you saw a few missed calls and some texts from Tommy. God, he was really annoying sometimes. You opened discord and texted him back.

The child: Hello!!! Y/n!!! Where are you right now? You aren't answering my calls??!!! You are a real b*tch.
Me: Tommy, I'm at Wilburs. He's some guy that I met, or, well saw at the beach, he asked for my discord and now we're close friends.
Me: Ok cool Ig.
The child: Are you having s*x with him or why are you at his house???
Me: Fuck you. No, infact I am not having s*x with him. I just spent the night.
The child: So you had s*x with him. I see.
Me: I did not fuck him tommy. He probably isn't even gay.
The child: I don't know about that...but ok...
Me: I'm getting dressed now, fuck off.
The child: Fuck you.

You sighed and stood up from the couch. It really wasn't comfortable at all, and you could feel it in your back, like an old man. You hoped Wilbur wasn't awake, but you saw him coming down the stairs. „Oh hello, y/n. Your awake already?" he asked. „Ugh yeah. Tommy messaged me." „Wait- you know Tommy?" „Yeah he's a friend of mine. He told me he knows you as well." You said. „I do infact, yes." he said and sat down on the couch next to you.

Cliffhanger hah. Next part will involve some...affection!

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