part 27

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No one's pov-
When jungkook entered and saw that tiyara was crying he felt bad.. he thinks that this is all done bcz of him
By taking small steps he go near her and call her name
She know that someone is in her bedroom but she ignored just wipe her tears
When jungkook called her name she slowly turned her head towards the side from where the voice came..

Jk- *sigh* umm.. my mom is calling you for the dinner..

She just looks at him and sits upon a bed like a statue with her gloomy face

but she didn't reply him.. 
jk go to near her and stand beside her bed on the side where she was sitting 

jk- what happen r u okay?

tiyara- hmmm...
jk- than come.. why r u their like that 
tiyara- huhh... nothing... you go first ... i'm coming 
jk- okay 

in the dinning hall..
jk, his mom and dad were sitting their and waiting for tiyara to join them ... 

and at that time tiyara came.. all eyes were on her.. she looked them for short time and look down.. she walk towards an empty chair of the dinning table.. she sit beside to the mrs. jeon 

mrs jeon- umm.. how are you now my child..

tiyara just look up to her and smile.. her smile is telling that she better now 

mr. jeon- ok... so.. let's begun with our food what do u all think?

all of them  agreed .. they were having their dinner in a silent no ne is speaking only the voice of food munching.. 

after they all done their dinner , they all went to their respective rooms.. cuz it's already night (hehehe)

but tiyara was still awake ... she was sitting in her balcony and looking up at the sky which filled with so many stars.. and in the between of them the full moon which is giving a perfect view but for her it's showing the loneliness... 

tiyara- look.. their moon is also alone no one is their.. i'm also like that now their is no one for me.. 

"but still that moon is shinning and showing his beauty to the world"

someone spoke she turned around but their is no one in the room then she look at her side that another room's balcony is also attached with her balcony and their jungkook is stand but he is facing towards the front side and looking up at the beautiful sky 

tiyara- o-ohh what are you doing here?

at this time he turned his face towards her and reply her
jk- why? can't i ?this is my house i can go anywhere.. 

tiyara- u-uhh i mean you should sleep early

jk- i think u too..

tiyara look towards the sky and than again look at him
tiyara- i was feeling lonely so that's why i came here..
jk- so is here someone or what ? here didn't you feel lonely?
tiyara- no.. umm i was looking this perfect view which in front of my eyes so-
jk- i'm the perfect view for you ?
tiyara- what!!!! noo... who said?
jk- just now you said na.. that looking a perfect view in front of my eyes .. and now i'm the one who is in front of your eyes..

tiyara- no no i was talking about the sky.. not you..
jk- oh u should do some specify 

tiyara- don't you have brain? 
jk- what.. yes i have and i can  use it in a better than u..
tiyara- oh really?
jk- of course~~
tiyara- ok than tell me...

sorrryyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy for the late update 
i'm really busy these days

bcz of my national selection for sports so all my focus was on them i can't able to give time to this really sorry

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