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    "More incoming!" Ruby yelled as a another laserbeam shot the ship. The sovereign are officially after them,and life as they know it is gone because of one stupid raccoon. Lovely.
"Why is the sovereign after us anyway?" Amber asked.
"Probably because Rocket stole their batteries." Drax blurted out.
"Dude!" Rocket yelled back.
"I mean,Rocket did not steal the batteries. This is all a mystery to me." Drax said,trying to cover for Rocket,though it is definitely not working.
Quill shouted,"What were you thinking!?" Same here Quill. Ruby thought.
"Dude,they were really easy to steal."
"That's your defense?" Gamora questioned.
"Oh,come on,you saw how that High Priestess talked down to us. Now i'm teaching her a lesson!" Rocket responded,piloting the Milano. That's a lie that is filled with baloney and shit,and you know that! >:( Ruby thought.
    "That would have made more sense if you stole the batteries after the High Priestess talked down to us!" Ruby yelled,having had enough of his baloney.
     Then,Quill and Rocket started arguing,where Quill said,"I was beimg sarcastic!"
"Oh no,you're supposed to use a sarcastic voice! Now i look foolish!"
"Be quiet!" Ruby hissed. But Quill and Rocket just won't shut up.
     "I've been flying this rig since i was ten years old!"
"I was cybernetically engineered to pilot a spaceship!"
"You were cybernetically engineered to be a douchebag!" I mean,he's not wrong.Ruby thought.
           Then,Ruby gave up and just proceeded to watch Groot eating candy.
   Ruby also heard Nebula shout,"Idiots!"  Nebula ain't wrong either. Quill and Rocket really are idiots.🙄 Ruby thought.
      Drax grabbed a gun and went to fight the sovereign fleet,shooting them like how you shoot spaceships in an arcade game."Die,spaceship!" He yelled.
         Ruby grabbed on to her seat,and was almost yeeted away,if not for her sister Amber holding on to her.
They eventually reached the jumppoint and crashed in the most epic way possible,unfortunately,Amber lost grip and the sisters held onto Drax,crashing into so many trees.
       After the crash,Ruby groaned and helped her sister Amber up. She saw Rocket running up to her.
"Tink,ya okay?" He said,his eyes filled with concern.
Ruby nodded her head,not really in the mood to talk to Rocket. She definitely had a crush on Rocket,lightly blushing,but she was also feeling very angry at him,so it is better to be quiet,right?
           "Where's the other half of our ship!?" Gamora yelled.
"You mean my ship!" Quill retorted.
"Either one of you could have gotten us through that field had you flown with what’s between your ears instead of what’s between your legs!" Gamora yelled. Gamora be spitting facts people. Ruby thought.
        Then,Rocket called Quill star-munch,which Amber chuckled softly and Ruby held back a laugh,not really wanting to support Rocket's actions. Quill called him a raccoon and a trash panda. The first one is correct,the second one is well,just Quill being mean,i guess.Ruby thought. Rocket also almost called Quill a son of a bit**,which is rude to his mother,which i growled and almost yelled at him. He could hear Ruby's growling,not really understanding why. Out of the blue,the spaceship that saved them appeared. One of them was a woman with antennae while the other one was an elderly looking man who looks a bit like David Hasselholf. The reveal....he was Quill's dad! This is like that one star wars moment all over again.... Ruby thought. She did not see that coming.

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