The confession

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A/n:Flashbacks=this style of writing      


After that small conversation with Peter,Rocket somewhat found the courage to go confess to Ruby.

   Key word, somewhat.

But of course,no one said it would be easy. Unfortunately, it was still difficult as every time Rocket nears Ruby's door,he somehow ends up backing away and pacing around the cockpit instead.

    After walking around the cockpit for the umpteenth time,he groaned and was about to walk off. After all,maybe it could be worth it? 

           Maybe these confusing
,stupid,lovey-dovey crappy feelings would die off,and he would get to blow up Quill's ship and piss off his "dear captain".

     However,before he could make that choice, he heard a familiar voice that startled him.

   "Rocket,what are you doing out here?"

        Rocket paused at that voice,slightly startled, but quickly regained composure before replying,"Rubes? What are ya doing out here? Don't ya have better things to do with ya life than come looking at me?"

    He had  tried to sound casual before realising that it came out incredibly rude. Sure,he wouldn't have gave a fuck if he said these words to anyone else,but when its someone you get "butterflies in your stomach" or whatever shit Quill spewed about metaphors, even if he did understand it better than Drax,it still sounded like a load of crap.  

  Besides the point,when its someone he,gags likes more than as a friend,somehow,self-consciousness became a part of him.

  Ruby looked sheepish for a split-second before speaking up again,"No,sorry if thats what you thought, i just thought i heard someone pacing outside. Besides,its the middle of the night,what are you doing out here?"

        Rocket found it hard to let his gut spill. Surely he could if he found a more private spot right? Right? Eh,screw it, he'll need to confess sooner or later,because contrary to what he said before, these feelings ain't going away anytime soon,might as well get the shock, and heartbreak over with.

"I just....i can't lie to ya Rubes,i needa talk to ya about somethin'. "

Ruby appeared suprised. The two of them had not talked in a long time, and now he suddenly wanted to. Oh welp, she did want to talk to him for the longest time anyway,so she nodded and responded,"Sure,do ya want to do it in a more private area?"

Rocket chuckled softly and had a small smile on his face. "Ya know me too well, Rubes. Lets go before Quill starts poking around."

The two of them started to head for a more private spot furthurest from everyone else's quarters.

      Upon reaching the private spot, Rocket casually leaned against the wall to soothe his nerves.

  "So.......what did you want to talk to me about?" Ruby piped up, her voice laced with curiosity, and perhaps, as far as Rocket's concerned, a bit of caution?

  Rocket swiped away the concern as he started off in a somewhat shaky tone,"Look,uh, do i put this? u....more a friend." Rocket quickly finished off,bracing for the rejection to come, and not wanting to come off as sappy by being all poetic like those love interests you find in other fanfictions.

Upon hearing those words leave Rocket's mouth, Ruby froze up.

   Her heart was beating really fast. Rocket liked her? That should be a good thing right?

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