Night reflections

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      It was midnight,and the nightingles were chirping away. Ruby was sharpening her sword as the guardians,Ego and Mantis sat by the fire in the forest,consuming dinner. It was revealed that Ego sent Yondu to collect Quill,but Yondu didn't give Ego Quill for some reason.Hmm,bit suspish...Ruby thought.
    Ego called Yondu a son of a bitch,forming a creasing frown on Ruby's face. They were introduced to Mantis. She was smiling widely,and a little too widely if anything.
"Why are u smiling?"
"I heard its the way to make people like you."
"Not the way you are doing it."
"Drax,stop being rude!" Ruby snapped,flashing a sweet smile at Mantis. Ruby decided that she would be Mantis's friend from then on.
"Can i pet your puppy? He's cute."
Cute in what sense? Stop being jelly Ruby! Ruby thought as she resisted the urge to slap herself.

     Drax looked on for a while before nodding.

       "Mantis,I don't think you that." Ruby finished as she didn't even get to finish her words before Mantis petted Rocket and Rocket in defense,bit her hand and she screeched. Drax laughed and said it was a practical joke. From what Ruby and Amber saw,Mantis trued to play along. Ruby walked up to Mantis and Ruby said,"Mantis,let me help you." Ruby put her paw on Mantis's hand. Ruby used her healing prowess. Mantis thanked Ruby for her help,abd Rocket looked at Ruby for a while,before continuing to lick his paw. When he looked at them,he remebered the very special day when he first met Ruby.(a/n:The flashback will be shown in the 2nd prequel)

      Meanwhile,Ego went to take a wheezer,and Quill was having a discussion with Gamora. Quill didn't believe Ego's words,which to be honest,Ruby didn't believe it either. Both her and Amber were on a tree branch,using their camouflage abilities to eavesdrop on their conversation. Gamora just said that they'll just kill Ego if he turns out to be evil.
      Done eavesdropping on their conversation,Ruby and Amber sat by a cave on a cliff. With a downcast look in Ruby's eyes,Amber asked,"Ruby,is it about Rocket again?"

       Ruby nodded her head in silence. Upon seeing this,Amber said,"It's going to be ok. I'm here by your side,and if he doesn't love you back,he's missing out on a lot." Amber's compassion,optimism and self-confidence really grew on Ruby,shedding some light on Ruby's contrasting cynism.

    Back at the ship,Ruby headed back to her quarters,sharing a bedroom with her younger sister Amber. "Goodnight! Jinx!" The sisters said at the same time,earning a chuckle from the both of them.

   Unbeknowst to them,Rocket heard their chuckling and rolled his eyes. Did they have to make noise right now? Rocket thought to himself. Luckily,he was in a different room. As he groaned and laid on his bed,he thought of his love problems. The memories of the previous time when he thought about his problem in the shower before Quill's 12% of a plan.
These words rang in Rocket's head as thought,
How could she ever love a monster and a jackass like him?

A/n:Hi,i'm the author! Now in case your wondering, Ruby was inspired by my own personality in real life as well as her thoughts about some parts of the actual guardians of the galaxy vol 2 beimg inspired by my reaction to watching the movie. Bye!

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