Separate the stars

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      A few days after the failed confession, the tension in the air was thick as the Guardians continued with their usual activities and missions.

   Except of course,for the fact that Rocket and Ruby have somehow grown even furthur apart. Upon witnessing the change next morning, Quill and Amber looked puzzled. They swore that the two of them went to confess,so how did it end so badly?

    No matter how hard both Amber and Groot tried to investigate the situation, neither of the two wanted to open up about what blew up so badly in their faces the day before.

    Eventually,as the days passed,as the dusk and dawn treaded onwards, everyone seem to have left the matter alone as the gap between Ruby and Rocket only tore furthur apart.

   One faithful dark husky night, in the starlight of the midnight sky, Ruby climbed onto a cave ledge near their ship on their previous mission earlier that day, all she wanted to fall asleep by the stars in the sky, singing to herself a lullaby her father used to....before....the seemed soothing...somewhat...after all this time.

     "It always seems more the always feels so stark..." When Ruby started to sing, her voice started cracking again, like back on Ego, the floodgates were being bashed against by a sea of salty tears.

    "As silence grows under the moon...constellations gone so soon..."Ruby's voice only served to break more as the floodgate's material holding the storm inside is starting to falter.

    "I used to think i was bold...i used to think love would be fun..." How unronic. She did use to think love would bring a stardust hurricane of joy as a baby kraken, that she was bold for liking her best friend like how she loves Rocket. These bad memories only served more breakage to a leaking heart.

    "And now all my stories have been told...except....for...o-one...." Her voice started to sound more off-key as the first tear from her eye had finally been released.

    "As the stars start to align... i hope you'd take it as a sign.....that you would be okay....everything will be okay" It wasn't true. No matter how hard she tried to convince herself,it wasn't okay. Ruby realised that she finally pushed Rocket away, and that she herself had lost someone whom she not only loved,but could have been together with.

"And if the mulitverse collapsed.....
although the day could be my will be okay...everyt-thing will be o-okay....." Tears only continued to roll down her face as reality slapped her hard in the face. Ruby is scared of being vulnerable. She can't even trust her own sister to tell her how she felt now. She will eventually push everyone away, and she will die alone as a pathetic experiment. A useless good-for-nothing failure. A disgrace to royalty.

   "And when creation goes to can find me i-in the sky...upon the last day....and you will be o-o......" The floodgates have been busted once again as Ruby laid on the hard,cold marble that is the cave edge....not able to carry on.

     Later in the night, the salty tears stained on the cave edge dripped down onto the Guardians' ship.

      In Ruby's sleep, her vision felt slightly blurry as demonic figures with voices akin to the Guardians', her sister,her best friend and the High Evoloutionary filled her head with more pain, only adding more to the blood shedded in the carnage that was yesterday.

"You're a pathetic experiment,89V43!"The anglefish demonic figure with High Evoloutionary's voice bellowed.

"You're a waste of space on my ship!" The succubus figure with Quill's voice yelled.

"I wish you had died in place of Yondu!" The succubus figure with Quill's voice continued.

"I WISH I WASN'T RELATED TO A PATHETIC EXCUSE OF ROYALTY!" The cat demon figure with Amber's voice hollered.

"I'm so glad i left you to die that day." The owl demon figure with her best friend's voice sneered.

The last one,looked like a hellhound. Like Ruby had dreaded, it had Rocket's voice.

"I was suffering flarkin brain damage when i said i ever loved you." The hellhound look-alike spoke coldly. No anger, no disgust, just a cold, empty feeling.

"SHUT THE FUCK UP,ALL OF YOU!" Ruby screeched as her eyes started to glow a deep orange and tears ran down her face.

      Back in the real world, the real Rocket was in his quarters, sober and in despair. He was right. She never liked such an imperfect monstrosity like him. How stupid of him to think that he ever had a chance. How stupid of Quill to even think that she liked him. Now they grew furthur apart, and he missed just being her friend.

    Back in the lab, she was one of the limelights in the darkness of the experiments. He missed all of them,Teefs,Floor and...Lylla.

    Out of all them in batch 89, being paired with Ruby in the cage with Floor, he was taken under her non-existent wing and taken care of, eventually gaining romantic feelings for her when he grew up.

    How foolish. The both of them thought. To ever think the other would like someone as pathetic as them.

  Ruby deserves someone better than an imperfect monstrosity.

   Rocket deserves better than a parasite who destroys and worsens the lives of all who she cares about.

He/She deserve better than me.

Next update:28 Apr 2024

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