chapter 2

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Tod finds his seat as the two most popular girls where talking as he greeted them.Alex finds his seat all the way in the back as he sits down letting a breath before buckling up as he tighten the seatbelt before reach up turning a nob as he soon feels air as he closes his eyes.

Crista marsh and Blake dryer where shown with tod"hey can you switch seats with Christa "Blake asked rod with a smile.

"Oh God uh you know I would but I uh have bladder infection "tod lies so he can at least sit with one of them before both girls roll there eyes as they soon approach Alex who was looking out the window as the wing blades expanded.

"Alex can you trade seats with Blake so her and I can sit together she asked tod but he said he had a blatter infection"Christa asked as Alex looks to tod who was signaling to him to say no before turning to Christa and Blake again "please"Blake asked.

"Sure"Alex says grabbing his stuff as tod huffs sitting back in his seat as Alex gets up letting Christa and Blake have the seats as he moves up to tods seat as he soon sits on the other side of tod by the window "come on man like you really thought you were gonna titte fuck them over Greenland"Alex says just as the small table in front of him drops down as he turns and pushes it back up but when he turns the nod to lock it broke he sighs."yeah thanks to you I gotta sit here and watch the fuckin Simpsons"tod says.

Alex sits back as the table falls again so he just sighs leaning back against his seat before reaching up pressing the button above for a plane stewardess as one was helping billy who just made it onto the plane. Alex then looks at the pamphlet of instructions on the plane in front of him before leaning back into his seat as tod smiles.

Soon the main hatch was closed as they get ready for take off as Alex watches the plane go down the run way as he leans back closing his eyes as the plane moves forward rocking a big before he looks out the window again as he was to lift of the run way as many were smiling the teach from before says something in french as all the students lift up there hands cheering.

Everything was fine before the plane rocks some making some of the passengers in easey as one of the male plane workers let's know it's okay before soon the plane stops rocking making everyone calm as the laugh before soon the shakeing starts but worse then before as the lights flicker as the sound of the plane going down is heard as the passengers freak out.

Billy spill his cans as he holds on to his seat as Alex can here his sister panicking in front of them as many of the passengers were freaking out this wasn't good as the plane shakes making suitcases and bags fall out the cabinets above as the power continues to flicker as people scream in fear as the breathing mask above pop out Cecily can be shown grabbing onto one to help her breath as other passengers soon do the same.

Alex looks out his window seeing the plane tilt sideways as the shakeing continues but the plane starts to tilt down as sparks fly from above making people scream in fright as one  row was shown on fire do to the sparks before the wall of the plane explodes off as window thrashes rapidly as some of the passengers in the row are sucked out the plane as the seats sprak as part of the plane explodes in the front.

A girl was shown screaming in fear as her hair thrashes against the wind as ma lewton eyes widen in horror as she reaches over trying to reach the girls hand who's eyes were filled with fear before she to was sucked out of the plane as ma lewton screamed in dread.

Alex was shown breathing heavily into the mask as the plane tilts dangerously down as a passenger was shown falling form above as he pulls the breathing mask off as the plane falls from the sky as an small explosion has as blood flys everywhere spraying the walls before the final explosion has consuming everything in its path killing everyone as Alex was shown being burned alive in the plan.

Alex all of sudden jumps awake sweating as he was breathing heavily before seeing Christa and Blake in front of him with wide eyes "Alex can you trade seats with us so Blake and I can sit together we asked tod but he said he had some kind of blatter infection"as tod was shown signaling him to say no.

Alex jumps up out of the seat as he rushes over to tod"what's up"he says as Alex turns the nod on the table before it breaks off in his hand as he stares at it in horror.

Cecily hearing her brothers panicking breathing she turns around worried "hey bro are you alright"she asked worried.

"Is they a problem "one of the plane staffs asked Walking over.

"What's your fucking problem"Carter asked rudely as Cecily glares at him"shut up Carter"she says before turning back to her brother wondering what's going on.

Alex becomes frantic "the fucking planes gonna explode"he says as his sister stares at him in shock as she watches her brother become frantic.

"Shut up browning"Carter says as Terry stands up"you are so not funny"she says as Alex was looking around with panic eyes.

"If this is your idea of a sick joke"the staff men says but Alex was frantic "it's not a joke it's not a joke"as tod stands up worried for his best friend "Alex take it easy"tod says Carter undose his seat belt getting up"sit down Browning"he says as Alex was panicking.

"Calm down or we will remove you from this aircraft"the staff says as Carter was pushing past tod"fine I'll remove my self "Alex says before soon there was a fight between him and Carter in the middle of the Ile.

"Leave him alone Carter!"Cecily shouts hitting him with her bag before soon she,terry, Carter,Alex,billy, lewton,tod,clear where all of the plane as the passengers set in shock about what just happened.

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