Chapter 4

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Everyone that had gotten off the plane were shown in a room as they waited for there parents. Cecily was still shaken up as she clutches a half a water bottle and her bag as Alex looks at his sister with worry as the only sound in the room was a ticking clock as they wait.

Alex the looks to see the others stareing at him "your looking at me as if I had caused this I didn't cause this"he says to them.

"Are there any survivors "Ms lewton then asked him.

"How should I know what you think I'm some sort of "he says as clear cuts him off"he's not a witch"she says. once again they were sitting in silence before soon the door was opened as a man comes in "hello I'm Howard segal. National transportation and safety board we've contacted all your families. So they our on there way is there anyone here who feels they might need... medical attention or spiritual counseling"he explains as two FBI agents stand behind him.

"I do"Cecily says with tears as she slowly stand up as the man nods before he leads her out as the FBI agents took over while Alex watches his sister in worry.

She was led to another room as a medic checks her vitals as she was lost in her own thoughts. Just then there was a knocking as a nurse pokes her head in with a soft smile "her parents are here"she says before her parents and Alex walk in.

She clings to her mother with tears as what happened to a dramatic toll on her as Alex feels guilty as her health was effected from the trauma of the plane crash that he had some sort or dream of and ended up having as everything went black.

Soft music can be heard as it was gloomy as a memorial was being held in front of the school Cecily was wearing a black dress as her face was stained with tears as she lost some friends on the flight as she holds a white rose.

"Thirty nine day have passed since we lost our thiry nine loved ones... friends,and teachers. As each day passes... without a determining cause for the accident... We ask our selfs, why? Ecclesiastics tells no more knows his own time...then fish taken in the fatal net...or bird's trapped in the snare. Like these,the children of men caught...when the time falls suddenly upon them... And so, before we can heal... before we can escape the prencese of death and time...we must mourn and celebrate theirs...with this memorial."the principal says as the sheet covering the memorial was removed showing an large bird statue with its swings spread out with the names of the students and teachers that passed on flight 180 as someone sings as music begins to play as some of the students stand as they walk with there parents to form a line so they can pay there respects.

Cecily sits there with tears as there father and mother rub her shoulders before she gets up with a sniffle as she makes her way to the back of the line. Ms lewton was shown getting up with tears as she makes her way down to join the others as Alex was shown behind Terry and Carter as they move forward "I hope you don't think because my name ain't on this wall...I own you anything"Carter says with his arms wrapped around Terry.

Alex shakes his head "I don't"he says honestly.

"All I owe these people is to live my life to the fullest."Carter says turning to face Alex who sighs giving him a look "why don't you stay off the J.D, then huh Carter"he says making Carter grabs his arm"listen don't you ever fucking tell me what to do I control my life not you I'm never going to die."he says as terry breaks the two up.

Billy then walks over to Alex"hey Alex...I took my driver's test last week at the DMV. Got a seventy it's the lowest score you can get but I passed. The thing is, when I was done with the know the guy that drives with you during the test? Anyways he goes...young man you're going to die at a very young age. Is that true "billy asked with a small laugh freaked out.

Alex holds in his annoyance "not now,not here not ever billy"he says as it becomes silent between the two before Alex was left alone. Cecily was placeing a white rose as she stands there for a moment before turning to walk away before locking eyes with her brother before looking away as she makes her way to her parents "I can't stay here and I have to get to work I'll see y'all later"she says holding back tears before grabbing her purse and coat as she walks away barley holding it together.

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