Chapter 11

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An airline passage was shown appearing out the bright light as a stewardess open the airplane entrance as it says 'six months later ' before many different passengers were shown getting off before Cecily was shown with blue highlights in her hair as they were in dutch braids with hoop earrings with a little bit of makeup on as she wore a red tank top showing her waist with a short black leather jacket with jeans shorts and tennis shoes as she was getting her bags above with a smile.

Next to her clear who had blonde hair now as show wore a long sleeve black shirt that showed her waist with blue jeans and boots as she gets her bags down.

Then there was Carter who wore a grey t shirt with an open plaid shirt with jeans and tennis. And then Alex "well we made it"Carter says.

"I know right this is amazing"Cecily says with a big smile shouldering one of her bags.

"Paris I can't believe it"clare says with a smile before Alex shows up with a huddy and a white shirt underneath with pants and tennis shoes "I can't believe we got on a plane again know what I'm saying "he says as they all head off the plane.

A large glow sign was shown over the streets of Paris saying ' lecafe Miro 81 'as lights were wrapped around tree bushes as people cross a busy street as a car sits by and waits before the three were shown sitting at a table outside a small restaurant as wine was being poured.

Alex sighs looking around "wow it's weird being here huh? We finally completed a puzzle"he says.he wore a green hoodie with a blue jacket and jeans and shoes.

Cecily takes a sip of her wine she wore her jean jack with a black dress and heels with her hair curled"I never imagined it to be so beautiful "she says looking around with a smile as clear nods her head in agreement she wore a jean jacket with a blue silk shirt with a tank top with jeans and boots.

"It's just something is missing you know"Alex says before Carter holds his drink up"to terry"he says. Cecily then holds up hers "to Mrs lewton and billy"she says.alex then holds his up"to tod"clear then holds her ups"to all the others from flight 180"she says as they click there drinks before each taking a sip.

Carter slightly chuckled while taking his sip he had changed from a plaid and T-shirt to a sweater shirt with his black jacket with jeans and tennis shoes."what you so chuckly about"Cecily asked with a raised eyebrow sitting her glass down following by the others.

"If you would have told me six months ago...the four of us would be sitting here having a drink...I don't know sometimes it feels three are the only ones whu understand as a men was shown with a guitar stromming it gently.

"You were right Browning it did skip us it was a design we beat it we won"Carter says.

"The only thing we won is a chance at a full life"clear says holding Alex's hand.

"A chance I won't ever waste"Carter says.

Alex sighs rubbing a finger over her hand"yeah...there's just something I can't figure out "he says making them confused.

"What do you mean bro"Cecily asked.

"The design"he says leaning forward before pulling out a piece of paper with the seating chart of flight 180 with there names in order"just let it go alright"clear says with a sigh.

"Hear me out all right just listen the explosion path determined the oder of our deaths. When I intervene saved Cecily it went after Carter next then I intervene and saved cater so it skipped him to the next person billy then it was clear. But I intervene and saved her so it went to me but in my case no one intervened , right I was thrown from that power the explosion so..."Alex explained to them.

"So why did it skip you right "Carter guessed as Alex nod his head.

"How do you know this isn't what was meant to happen? That out of everyone on flight, Cecily, me and Carter were ment to live maybe that was the design all along"clear says leaning forward.

Carter takes a sip of his drink"or you can still be next"he says making Cecily glare daggers at him"shut the hell up Carter before I make you "she snaps Cecily then thinks about as a unsettling feeling sits in her stomach.

"What I didn't intervene and neither of you to did either I didn't make up the rules somebodys got to intervene before death can skip them Alex proved that four times the plane, Cecily, me and you for all I know it could circle back...and get us all again I mean after Alex it would be Cecily but i am the safest fucker in the world because you are still next and then Cecily before me"he explains pointing at the map.

Cecily sits there in here thoughts before a French men starts singing a familiar son in French making both of the siblings turn around before a dreaded feeling swelled inside Cecily blocking out the rest before a chill goes down her back as she and Alex look around. A men opens a truck showing large pieces of meats on a hook before looking up as something rolls off working platform knocking a thing of nails over as they fall before they jump as fire sparks beside them as a men lights up a lamp or something as wind blows around a piece a paper before jumping as there drinks spill the wine covers Alex's name first.

"Alex"Cecil whispered with dread as the siblings share a look before she stands up with him grabbing her coat "well meet y'all back at the hotel"Alex says.

Clear looks at them worried something was wrong"I'll go with y'all"she says going to grab her back but Alex holds a hand out"no just stay here ok clear "he says before the siblings walk away.

"See it's true I told you were next men then Cecily after you"Carter says turning around as they continue to walk away.

"Stop it Carter Alex, Cecily wait."clear says.

"No clear pleas just stay right there"Cecily says before the turn to walk away wind blows through clears hair as she turns to a window seeing a sign of a bus before her eyes widen as she whirls around to face the siblings"Alex! Cecily!"she yells making them turn before jumping out the way as a buss speeds past blareing its horn as alex holds Cecily by the waist as she stumbles into her brother as a car swerves out the way as the siblings watch breathing heavily.

The bus speeds into a pole with a sign as it sparks as the man dives out the wave as it destroys his food stand the sign flips in mid air before breaking through the bars of the lecafe Miro 81 sign as it groans and creaks with sparks flying on before the sign breaks in half as the 81 splits off as it sparks as the siblings watch with wide eyes breathing hard as carters and clears eyes widen as well as people shout in surprise around them.

The wires attaching the sign to the roof snap loose as the whole sign swings down straight at the siblings Alex pushes his sister out the way as she falls rolling to a stop as she looks up in horror as the sign swings towards her brother "Alex no!"she cry's as clear rushes over hugging the girl.

Alex was about to get hit when he was tackled to the ground by Carter as the sign swings past them with sparks. Carter gets up breathing heavily "I told you you were next"he says breathing heavily.

"And it just skipped me I pushed Cecily out the way your next"Alex says with dread sitting up on his elbows holding a hand to his chest as carters eyes realized as the sign was shown slowly swinging back towards him before everything went black as a bang was heard followed by screams and a loud crash.

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