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"Hah, I finished everything," I breathed out, closing all of my notebooks.

"What!? I just started to understand everything!" exclaimed Seoyun.

She continued to whine around, smacking her forehead with her books.

"Uh, I wish I had a brain like yours. So much already on the first day of school," she pouted.

"What, you were here last year. Do you expect a tour?" I asked, laughing at her suffering.

"I'm older than you!"

"I got it, unnie~ Make sure to rest well, unnie, you don't want your back to get hurt too much," I replied sarcastically, laughing at her annoyed face.

"Quiet in the library, girls," said the librarian.

We bowed to her, apologizing. 

"Jiwoo!" yelled a guy's voice.

I could recognize it from miles away now because of how often I heard it.

"Jiwoo~ help me," said Heeseung, huffing and puffing with a piece of paper in his hands.

"What do you want?"

"Look, I submitted the work for Social Studies earlier, and the teacher gave me this," he said, pouting as he shoved the paper to my face.


I looked from the paper to him, trying to hold in my laughter.

I didn't know if I had met anyone this stupid, but it was funny.

"Aish, so why are you showing me?" I asked in disappointment.

"I beg you," he said, changing his expression and clasping his hands together, "Tutor me."

I gritted my teeth at him.


"You have to," he ordered.

"Who are you to tell me what to do?"

He looked at me menacingly, sighing and then leaning into my ear, "Help me and I will reward you."

His tone was weird, so I shook my head, looking for Seoyun.

But she had left.

He continued to rant on about why I should tutor him, and I pretended to listen. 

I held up a hand to silence him, "Why are you so desperate?"

He stopped for a moment, as if he was frozen. He just blinked at me and had his mouth open, but nothing came out. 

He obviously wasn't interested in studies, so why even try? Why drag me into it?

"I said I would reward you!" he replied


I couldn't stand him, so I had to give in. And even if he tried anything, I wouldn't let him. I'd rather have my eyeball plucked out than do anything with him.

"Oh~ thank you, thank you, thank you!" he exclaimed, hugging me as he startled to wiggle around in his seat.

"Don't touch- ugh," I replied, sighing as he seemed too busy to be listening.

"Let's go to those private study cafés, with those closed-off rooms?" he then yelled, springing up from his seat.

I frowned at him, "Why private? Don't you have to pay? What's wrong with the library?"

He pursed his lips tightly, "Well, maybe because I don't want that old lady barging in every 2 seconds?"

"Hey, that's mean!" I said, shocked by his attitude.

"So? C'mon, I'll pay for it," said Heeseung, grabbing my wrists as we went out of the school.

We began to walk, and I was just following him around. It was an odd feeling, hanging out like this with a guy. But I felt weirdly comfortable around him, I didn't know if it was just his personality or if there was something else.

"So, why exactly are you going to pay, just for a study room?" I asked in curiosity.

"Simple, because you're with me," he replied, his whites glistening under the sunlight as he grinned.

I scoffed, "Haha, very funny."

"What? I want our first date to go well."

My eyes widened as I froze. Did he just say, date!?!?

He looked back at me, urging me to walk.

"Excuse me, sir, did you just say date?" I asked, my eyes bulging out of my head.

"Yes, is that a big deal?" he replied, his hand sliding down mine and intertwining.

"Uh, yes," I said, trying to run off in the opposite direction.

"Where do you think you're going, missy?" he said, pulling me back and arching his brow.

I glared at him, and he gave me a broad smile in return, swinging my arm up and down as we continued to walk together.

It's fine, just go along with it, Jiwoo. Once you're inside you can say that he's a pedo who dragged you here.

We soon entered a café, Heeseung holding the door open for me as he let me inside first. I smiled at him sarcastically, my nose flaring as soon as I turned around.

We sat down in one of the rooms, an assortment of snacks and drinks on one side. Like a snack bar. There were computers, posters, books, textbooks, literally everything in one room. It was huge, too.

"Oh~ so this is what you paid for," I nodded, admiring the place.

"You like it?" 

"It's pretty," I replied.

"Not prettier than you," he replied, smirking playfully as soon as my smile faltered. 

I sat down in one of the seats, Heeseung scooching over to me in record-breaking time.

"You know, I'm the captain of the basketball team," he started, flexing off his muscles.

I groaned in annoyance, "Pull your sleeves down, please. I do not need my eyes to get cursed."

"Should I show you more?" he asked.

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