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Marlene looked at the vile in front of her as she wiped her eyes

"Marls! Cmon were gonna be late!!" Sirius said knocking the door

"Y-yea...I'm ready" she said wiping her eyes as she opened the door

"Well....good coz it's been awhile since we seen prongs and lily- and are you crying? Your crying!"

" I'm not crying! I love you" Marlene said softly hugging him

Sirius paused as he hugged her while kissing her head.....

"I love you too McKinnon.....that's gonna be a always thing I promise" he said softly

"Don't make promises you can't keep Black" She said making him chuckle

"C'mon.....the Potter's are waiting for us" he said making her laugh as she followed him out the door

Sirius and Marlene walked through the street hand in hand

"Yea......then it blew up and you know what Remus John fuckin lupin did? He laughed!" Sirius said laughing as they walked down the street

Marlene looked at him as she smiled but noticed how his smile disappeared

"Sirius you should maybe set things right with Remus"

"In time.....but not now! Its to-

"You don't really think that Remus is working for Voldemort do you?"

"Doesn't matter what I think"


"Marls....look its been so long since we met James and Lily let's not do this now please" He said sighing

"Okay...fine.....but promise me you'll fix things with Remus"

"One day"

Sirius knocked on the door and was met with a wand pointed at his face

"Oh for the sake of merlin's hat!" Marlene said and pushed past James

"Yep! Definitely not DE's!"

"DEs?" Sirius asked as he hugged James

"Yea! Death eaters!"

Marlene walked into the kitchen to see Lily standing at the kitchen counter with baby Harry on her hip

"He gets bigger everytime I see him!" Marlene said with a laugh as she approached the pair

"I know" Lily said with a sigh as she hugged Marlene

"He's gonna be a year old in three months!" Marlene said as Harry stretched his arms out towards her

"Hiya Harry!! Your my favourite Potter you know that yes you are!"

"Here I was feeling all special" Lily said rolling her eyes

"Well don't go feeling too special.....I thought I was the favorite" James said as he walked into the room with Sirius in tow making everyone let out a laugh

Dinner at the Potter's was light hearted and filled with stories from their days at hogwards

"Something big's going to happen" Sirius mumbled out of nowhere


"No! It's true Marlene! I'm telling you somethings been off with Remus ever since his mission with those wolves!" Sirius said with a bitter edge to his words

Harry let out a little cry making lily stand up. But Marlene grabbed her arm

"It's okay lil....I got him.....I need a break from this nonsense too!" Marlene said as she walked up the stairs with Harry

Nearly an hour had passed since Marlene had put Harry down.....she sat beside his crib turning the vile over in her hand

"I hope he wasn't any trouble" Lily said softly as she walked into the room

"Not at all"

"Well your a natural" Lily said as she sat down next to Marlene

"You heard anything from Alice or Doc?"

"Nothing......what about Mary"

"Nothing" Marlene replied

Lily lay her head on Marlene's shoulder as they sat in silence after a moment or two Marlene opened her fisted palm to reveal the vile in her hand making Lily gasp

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