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Belly was going on a date with cam cameron and I couldn't be happier for her. She was so happy about it and I was willing to help her do her makeup and help her with her outfit.

Susannah and I were her bedroom with belly getting her ready for her date with Cam.

"You are going to have so much fun tonight." Susannah squealed as belly was applying lip balm to her lips in susannah's full length mirror.

I had just finished adding her makeup and she wanted to use her lip balm to top off her look.

"You look very nice belly. cam cameron's jaw is gonna drop when he sees you." I smirked.

"You look pretty hun!" Laurel stormed into the room still under the impression that belly would be attending her book party.

"Have fun tonight!" Susannah declared.

"Are you not driving with us?" Laurel asked.

"Um...Didn't belly tell you? she has a date!" Belly awkwardly smiled because she didn't tell laurel.

Laurel's smile deflated but was nonetheless happy for belly. She seemed sad that she was not told.

"Do we need to talk about consent before you go?" I snorted loudly because I was caught off guard. 

Belly and I headed downstairs to where the boys were playing video games.

"May I present, Miss Isabel conklin! looking almighty fine." Jeremiah immediately looked back and his mouth dropped.

"Damn. You look..hot." He said and spun belly around.

"Hey hey hey! stop flirting with my sister." I rolled my eyes.

"Steven it's harmless.." He was focused on his game until he complimented belly. she really did look very pretty.

"You driving with or are you meeting us there?" Jere asked and belly and I glanced at each other and smiled.

"I'm not going to the book party. I am actually going to the drive in." She said and immediately glanced at her phone. Cam is probably here.

"Um okay. bye." She went to check her appearance in the mirror and in the back you could see jere secretly admiring.

"Bye belly. Have fun!" I shouted. I sat on the couch where all the boys were and was just scrolling through instagram on my phone. Conrad was next to me and he thought he was slick because he was glancing at me every couple minutes and I didn't know why. I didn't like him.

The book party looked like a success in my eyes but that didn't stop me from being bored out of my mind. there wasn't much people my age here so socialising was kept to a minimum except from steven, lily and jere. My mom and laurel were having a conversation in the corner and conrad was drinking his life away. Wish I could say that is a surprise.

"Okay. so we haven't talked much since we got here so I need all details. any crushes? boys or girls?" Lily asked, seeming very excited to hear everything that's been going on. we hadn't spoke much because she got a summer job working at a coffee shop so she wasn't here much.

Conrad, belly and I were the only ones without jobs, but at least belly was doing something productive.

"No crushes. the boys here aren't my type." lily was unconvinced.

"Cmon there has to be at least one boy you find attractive in cousins. Not even Jeremiah? Conrad? Steven?"

"Lily cmon I don't see them like that." I immediately replied confused that she would even bring them up in that way.

"I don't know sierra..this whole rivalry thing was conrad is giving very enemies to lovers. I see the vision. there's potential there." I made a disgusted face. Why does everybody think this?

"I'm not gonna bother trying to reason with you on this. think what you like." Lily smirked as if having a lightbulb moment.

Jeremiah, steven and conrad were heading toward our table.

"We're going to the drive in. wanna come?" My face dropped. why were they going there? they were gonna ruin belly's date.

"Belly's there. if she sees you, her whole mood is gonna change. you can't ruin this for her." they were purely going for some laughs but it wasn't funny.

"It's not that serious sierra. we're going to see bells on her date. cmon it's cute." steven said. and he was laughing along with jeremiah. I looked to the right of them and conrad wasn't finding it funny either. in fact, he looked disinterested in the conversation.

"I know it may seem dramatic and funny to you but belly's sensitive. be careful." Lily muttered.

"I don't wanna go, I'll stay here." I added and they left. she watched the boys leave. she hoped belly beat their asses later.

Sierra was in her room reading a book called A Good Girls Guide to Murder. She was completely immersed in her book until belly burst in.

"Did you know what the boys did to me tonight?" Belly asked me and I felt bad for her.

"I told them not to go but they didn't listen. they asked me if I wanted to go but I would never sabotage your date." sending sympathetic looks her way.

"Well thank you sierra. I love you." Belly sat on my bed and waited for my reply.

"I love you too. now tell me how was your date? apart from the slight disruption." We giggled.

"It went surprisingly well. Cam is super sweet and a nice boy. Maybe he's what I need..instead of chasing somebody who's clearly not available." I don't think belly realised she said this out loud because her face noticed how my smile dropped and my eyebrows raised.

"Belly...who is it?" I was going to pry this out of her until she budged. But she didn't oppose and she came out and said it.

"It's jere..but you cannot tell anyone. I've been secret about it for a while now. I couldn't even tell taylor and that's why nobody suspects it." Well fuck. I could just faint. both jere and belly confided in me about their crushes on each other and I didn't know if I could bare it.

Should I tell belly about how jeremiah likes her back or should I honour jere's wishes by not saying anything?

No I wasn't going to get involved. If they truly liked each other, they would hurry up and tell the other. I was going to stay out of it.

"Jeremiah! oh my god. belly.." my hand went straight to my mouth.

"I know. but he's off with other boys and girls and I don't even know if he's ready for a relationship. so i'm just going to get over my crush on jere and focus on cam who I like also."

"Whatever you do, I will support you." belly immediately hugged me and I hugged her back.

"Alright belly! go to bed." I smirked and she left the room. I fell asleep almost instantly.

just wanted to let you know that there's always mistakes in my writing because i write them at night😭
i have the most motivation then and sometimes i miss grammar, punctuation, so just bare with me lol

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