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Belly's dad and girlfriend arrived and we were all hanging around the front door to see what she looked like.

"She's hot." Jeremiah said shamelessly.

"Dude?" Steven spat out.

"What? I'm just saying what everyone else is thinking."

"Yo that could be their future step mom.." Conrad muttered, the silence followed with another scoff from steven.

the boys started play fighting until we could see that that Susannah, laurel, belly's dad and his girlfriend was headed towards the door.

This was our cue to leave so that Steven and belly had a chance to greet them.

I headed up the stairs to my room where I could freshen up before people started arriving. Belly's deb friends and my friend Adriana would be coming. She was dying to catch up with me and wanted any details from my life that would be even a little interesting.

I was wearing a Floral print cami dress for the party and a natural makeup look and one of my favourite clear glosses.

She wondered if belly's deb friends included nicole. Her and conrad weren't seeing each other anymore but she was still belly's friend and her big sister for the ball.

I didn't know the stance between Conrad and I. We'd gotten closer and I was wondering if I ever even despised him in the first place. Despite that kiss and the aftermath, we would usually ignore that it happened.

We still weren't best friends or even that close but we were civil and that was enough for the moment.

The knock on the door was recognised immediately as I broke my trance of overloading thoughts.

My door slowly opened and Conrad poked his head through the door. What did he want?

"Your friend is here by the way. I just brought her up." Adriana pushed Conrad out of the way to get to me and I hugged her tightly.

"Hey, i'm in desperate need of a talk. it's nice to see you." Adriana muttered to me.

"Uh, thanks conrad. i'll see you downstairs." Our eye contact lingered until he decided to close my door.

"Okay what was that?"

"What was what?" Nervously laughing hoping that this would not be brought up again but she couldn't let it go.

"That look. the look that you both gave each other." emphasising on the both.

"We kissed okay." Everyone already knew so what was the harm in telling one of her closest friends.

"Kissed? as in tongues touching, saliva, mouths mushed together." I made a disgusted face at that.

"Okay you don't have to say it..like that but yes we did. And I didn't intend on doing it but it was for the audience."

"I have so many questions right now and you are going to answer all of them. What do you mean by audience? When did this happen? Why did this happen? I thought you hated him? Was it good?" By the time she finished her questions, she was out of breath and on my bed waiting for me to answer.

"It happened at Nicole's party and Conrad had just asked me to make her jealous and I said yes like the dumb idiot I am. In my defense, I was tipsy. I do hate him or maybe I don't. I don't know but it was good, i'm not even gonna lie to you ri." Now it was my turn to be out of breath and It looks like she had to process what I just said.

"And my mom outed what happened that night to the whole family. how did she even find out?" I carried on.

"I'm a little offended you didn't tell me as soon as it happened. and I was at that party, we interacted. how did I not see you kissing him?" She went off track.

"If you want my opinion, I fully support this sierra. He's hot."

"Not helping. We can talk about this later let's go downstairs. the party has begun it seems." looking out my window to see the perfect view of belly's friends.

I linked my arm with hers.

When we got downstairs, I could see my sister with her boyfriend, belly's parents were speaking with shayla, susannah and belly's other friend were also speaking.

"We need a drink stat." Adriana looked at me and I nodded. She was gonna get them for us.

Belly and Victoria were heading out of the backyard and belly nodded to me to come with them. I left adriana in the backyard because she was too busy speaking to gigi. so much for getting drinks.

"So how'd you learn to make these?" belly asked as victoria was making her pomagrante drink, which looked surprisingly good. Jere, belly and I were sitting watching her make the drink.

"So I actually spent a summer in this desert town in Texas near the border called Marfa. And there was this bar there that served these, and I told the bartender that I would not leave until he showed me how he made these." Jere and I chuckled.

"Do you mind if I try some?" Belly asked.

"Are your parents cool with that?" they most definitely were not but belly said yes anyways.

"I'm gonna take these out to your dad. do you mind taking those out to susannah and your mom?" Victoria asked.

"Yea sure." Belly responded to victoria who had left to go find belly's dad.

Belly and jeremiah both taste the drink and agreed that It was good.

"You want some?" Jere held out the drink to me.

"Yea that's good." I muttered to them.

i completely forgot about this book but im gonna try and update more <3

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⏰ Last updated: May 25 ⏰

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