5. Bossgurll

166 4 15

Finnybun- Finny
Manwhore- Bruce
Youngrandma- Griffen
Redrobin- Robin
Gaypoodle- Vance
Traitor!- Gwen
Rylie- Rylie
Donna- Donna
PaperBoi- Billy

Tw:mention of Insecurities, depression, language

Donuts Are Essential
Obviously With Holes
Sunday 7:28 am

Traitor!- Can i add Suzie

Manwhore- NO

Traitor!- Pleaseeee

Finnybun added Donna to the Group Chat!

Manwhore- Finny...

Finnybun- She made me

Donna- yes i did

Youngrandma- since when did u hang our with Donna

Donna- Since we started hanging out u goof

Redrobin- so you guys r together?

Finnybun- what no🤣🤣

Donna- im a lesbian...

Rylie- o

Donna- Can i add Suzie?

Manwhore- NO

Finnybun added Suzie to the Group chat!

Manwhore- FINNY...

Finnybun- Gwen made me

Traitor!- yes i did

Youngrandma- these names are boring

Younggrandma changed Finnybuns name to astronomicaltoilet!

Astronomicaltoilet- seriously🙃

Younggrandma- its beautiful right

Traitor!- HAHAHAHA

Younggrandma changed traitor! name to

Bossgurll#1- Slayyy💅🏻

Younggrandma changed Redrobins name to tweety

Tweety- What the fuck😐

Younggrandma changed Suzies name to Bossgurl#2

Bossgurl#2- Yasss😎

Astronomicaltoilet changed Rylie name to Boyfriendstealer!

Tweety- That seem targeted....

Astronomicaltoilet- It not🤣🤣...definitely not.

Boyfriendstealer- Robin was single when i asked him out so why am i a boyfriend stealer🤨.

Bossgurl#1- yk why.

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