Episode 4

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Come on!

Letters Zone

Jia's Mailbox:(Hey pretty lady, Today was one of the best day of my life, making you smile like that. Ps Minhyun)

Jiyeon's Mailbox: (Have you taken your medicine?. Hope you feel better. Ps Joshua)

Hana's Mailbox: (Did you have fun?. Ps Sooho.) (Your highness, did you enjoy today like I did?, Or do I deserve to be executed, ps Hyeon)

Rae's Mailbox: (I hope you can see me, And you enjoyed my food? Ps Jin)

Heejin: (Go Heejin!, I'll root for you forever. I'll remain your number one fan, ps Eunwoo)

Naho: (Meet me downstairs after reading this, Would you like to dance with me again? Ps Ezra)

Joshua: (Thanks for caring about me. I like you too Ps Jiyeon)

Hyeon: (If you forget the rule, there's penalty Ps Hana)

Jin: (I had a nice time today, didn't know you were such a good cook Ps Rae)

Sooho: (Hwaiting!, Sooho. I'm cheering for you as a friend ps Hwanie)

Minhyun: (Hey handsome goblin, I enjoyed the rice cakes, even though you cheated! Hehehehe ps Jia)

Ezra: ( I love the way you play your violin, can we dance again?)

Eunwoo: (I had fun today, Thanks a bunch. Ps Heejin)



SK: Woahh, deep letters.

IU: *wipes tears* Very touching.

HSH: Mhmm


The next morning

"Are we all ready?" Hwanie yelled and they all reciprocated with claps, "Camping trip here we go" There were three buses for the teams, different camp locations.

Team A

"I feel so excited!" Heejin said, they were already in the bus, she sat close to Eunwoo while Hwanie and Jin sat together, Jiyeon sat at the back alone with her ear pods.

"I'm going to take a nap" Jiyeon said, leaning on the head rest.

"Me too" Jin said, leaning on his head rest.

"Let's play a game" Heejin suggested, Hwanie and Eunwoo nodded.

"Who's mostly likely to end up as a couple in this Mansion?" Hwanie said, and they all chuckled like little commentators.

"I think it's Jia and Minhyun" Hwanie said

"Also Hana and Hyeon, they're super close. I saw them sitting on the swing together last night, leaning on each other's shoulder" Heejin smiled.

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