Chapter 1: Bounty

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[Authors note: This is my first fan fiction and i tried to make their characters as close and realistic as possible if i make any mistakes please let me know in the comments}

At times, Claire Kagenou can be reckless or careless, which can get her into trouble. It was one of those times today when she decided to track down the bone collector, a serial killer. This murderer stole some bones from his victims, hence the name. In order to find this man, Claire chose to track him down since there was a reward of 125 thousand Zeni on the line. The incident with Cid in the lawless city made her angry with Cid for splitting up with her and getting her entangled in unnecessary trouble, but she also wanted to apologize for almost losing her life there and dragging him there. She was determined to find this man not just for the reward, but also to make up with Cid for putting him at risk. 

According to the bounty paper, he was last seen around the Forbidden sector, a place similar to the Lawless City in that it has a population of less than half that of the Lawless City and it is ruled by no one. The status of an individual in the Forbidden sector is determined by his or her frequency of completing tasks, as well as the quality of those tasks, as well as the person for whom it is done. If you succeed in mugging a high ranking noble, your reputation will significantly increase in the sector as well. This will make it easier for you to get access to certain areas and also gain access to more lucrative jobs. The higher your reputation, the more opportunities you will have. People will be more likely to trust you and even pay you more for your services. Unfortunately for Claire, the bone collector is one of the highest ranking bandits in the sector which means his strength is definitely worth his bounty and this job wasn't going to be an easy one

Claire wanted to tell Cid she was leaving beforehand so he would get worried about her.

"Your big sister is going to hunt down this bone guy and claim this bounty, so I don't want you following me this time, so make sure you train while I'm gone." "Kay." Cid replied, not really caring until he saw the Zeni reward. WAIT 125K ZENI THATS LIKE, ALOT OF MONEY. He definitely would follow Claire without her knowing. Cid needed that money as there were not many bandits around anymore, so before Claire left, he cut a piece of Claire's clothing, so she wouldn't notice, and he went to look for Delta. He wanted her to track down Claire and snag the bounty from her. Bad? Sure, but necessary? Absolutely.

 Finding Delta wasn't hard for she was loud and makes a huge mess pretty much all the time. "BOSS" Delta exclaimed wrapping herself around him. "Yes its nice to see you too Delta" Cid said pulling delta off of him. "Guess what boss? Delta went and hunted a bunch of animals and Alpha said Delta gets a treat! "That's nice" Cid said "I was actually looking for you" Deltas ears stood straight up. "Boss was looking for me! she exclaimed happily "Bitch cat got mad at Delta because she broke a vase, she called me useless. Then Alpha got mad at Delta and bitch cat because we were making alot of noise. It was totally bitch cat's fault Delta was framed!

"Uh huh," Cid said because this was like a daily occurrence "Anyways i need you to track down my sister" Cid gave Delta the piece of the clothing he cut off earlier "if you find her i'll give you a treat." That got Delta excited "Delta gets 2 treats today! Delta will definitely find boss-man's sister" and she ran off with Cid following behind

[That's it with chapter 1 Chapter 2 is a work in progress and ill release it when i have the time. Thanks for reading!]

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