Chapter 8: Secret Exposed

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Ever since yesterday, whenever Delta wants to go hunting she usually goes looking for Claire. No matter how many times she says no, she keeps coming back. So Claire went and looked for her brother, Cid who was apparently on the roof of Mitsugoshi.

After walking around for a while, Claire heard her brother talking to someone. " one would expect from you, Epsilon." Claire moved toward his brother's voice. Upon reaching the doorway, she saw who he was talking to. It was an elf with long light blue hair tied in pigtails. She had purple eyes and a very busty figure... or so it seemed. Taking a step back, Claire listened to what they were saying. "Thank you very much, Lord Shadow," Epsilon said bowing slightly as Cid took a sip of his coffee. "By the way how is your sister doing?" Cid looked away. "She's urm... adjusting." "Anyways Lord Shadow how about we go take a bath together?" Epsilon said striking a seductive pose. It's good the neighbors didn't get up from all the noise we were making last night." Claire's expression changed so much that it was almost comical.

Cid cleared his throat and announced that he would be taking a bath alone, as it was more comfortable for him. Epsilon's face fell as Cid left the room, leaving her by herself. Although Cid noticed Claire in the room on his way out, he decided to leave her alone to avoid getting into any trouble with her. He thought it would be a good opportunity for Claire to meet Epsilon. Little did Cid know, Claire would later misunderstand the conversation they had. When Cid left, Epsilon started talking to herself. "Arrgh, another failed attempt! What can I do to get his attention?"

"Maybe you should stop trying?" Claire said walking into the room. "Ah! Miss Claire! How um... are you doing?" Epsilon said flustered. Claire was smiling on the outside but was boiling with anger on the inside. "I'm fine but can I have a suggestion for you." Claire didn't wait for her to answer. "Stop trying to seduce my brother with those overinflated breasts of yours," Claire said flashing an evil smile. Epsilon's fake smile slowly faded. "Wh-what are you t-talking about Miss Claire?" Epsilon said. Cid warned her about how hostile she can be whenever a girl tries to get close to him. He told her the best thing to do when she is like that is to run. But there was a problem, They were in a room with no windows and the only way out was the door behind Claire. When Epsilon's eyes went to the door, Claire noticed.

"You don't have to leave now do you?" Claire said shutting the door. "You know exactly what I'm talking about Ms. Epsilon." Claire started walking towards Epsilon who was taking a step back each time Claire proceeded further. Eventually, Epsilon was backed into a wall. Claire placed her hands on either side of Epsilon, trapping her. Epsilon started to tremble, her breathing becoming labored.

Claire smirked. She grabbed one of Epsilon's slime breasts and pulled it off. Epsilon's face became a mix of shock and utter despair. "H-H-How d-did-?Epsilon could not finish her sentence because she was so shocked. She waved Epsilon's fake breast. "Now if you don't want everybody to know about this then stop trying to seduce my brother." Epsilon was embarrassed. "AHHH I DON'T CARE IF YOU'RE SHADOW'S SISTER" She grabbed her fake breasts and attached them back quickly. "I HATE YOU!" cried Epsilon as she ran away.

"That's one less girl I have to worry with." Claire sighed to herself. "But what the hell did she do with my brother!"

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