Chapter 3: Recruitment

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Claire was confused about why Shadow was protecting her. They didn't even know each other! "Oh so you must be that Shadow guy that's wanted all over the Midgar Kingdom aren'tcha? Said the Bone Collector oddly happily "You are quite popular around the sector y'know being the most wanted in Midgar, I'll get quite the rep if you kindly die by my hands."

"Why are you helping me?" questioned Claire "there is no benefit for you. Shadow glared at Claire then looked back saying nothing. "Answer me!" She yelled. "You don't have to worry about that missy," The bone collector said with a creepy grin. "It's too late for both of you. You guys are exactly where i want'cha. Shadow raised an eyebrow. What is this guy talking about?

"You guys don't know the true potential of bones." Shadow and Claire were both confused.The Bone Collector cackled. "Time to find out what you're really made of." He said as he stepped closer. Then that's when Shadow had realized his slime clothing had evaporated, it was just cid in his normal clothing. Claire went wide eyed and became even more confused. Is that Cid? No no no, it can't be. I've known that boy since he was little he was always weak there's no way this could be real it must be an illusion. He must have been mistaken. Cid was weak and clumsy, and he was never brave enough to do something like this. She must be dreaming.

"The Bone Collector laughed like a maniac. "Who knew you were this little boy all along? But no matter. Sucks that you have to die young. You're probably confused on how i did it so ill just explain it to ya. Cid didn't care what he was cackling about, he just wanted to know how to get out of this mess with his sister. Maybe i should say i'm her little brother's long lost twin? Wait never mind she saw my birth. what if i call it a illusion? Yeah maybe that could work. i should say something really smart after and then Claire would believe it because my background character A persona isn't smart at all!

"C-Cid?" Claire questioned. "Is that really you?" Cid played the confused card and asked "Cid?" in his usual Shadow voice. "Don't play dumb with me!" Claire said running at Cid. She grabbed him and said "Ah, so it really is you." said Claire "I could tell by your scent, your proportions, your posture, and the way you breath." Cid felt repulsed. What the hell is my sister like a stalker? He couldn't hide it now. "Why didn't you tell me anything?" Claire yelled "why didn't you tell me you were this strong?" Her emotions changed from sad and surprised to angry. Girls are really confusing Cid thought. "I could've supported you! Everyone thinks you're weak and you're really ok with that!

"Are you two done with your little chat" said the Bone Collector. "You guys don't gotta worry bout nothing, you'll surely meet each other in the afterlife. But anyways about how i absorbed your magic, you see the magic in your bone marr-" The Bone Collector couldn't finish because Cid already had his sword by your neck. "But how? The Bone collector asked surprised. "I've Already sealed your magic how could you be so fast!" "I've already dealt with situations like this" and with this Cid sliced his head off.

Just then Beta arrived "Have you finished business yet Lord Shadow I Don't feel his magic no more." "Who the hell are you and why are you with my brother!" Claire yelled at Beta. Beta gawped realizing the situation she just came into. Cid gave her a glare. Please go away Beta i'm in a moment right now! Luckily Beta understood a left in a flash. "Who are you talking about Sis?" Cid said in a half-ass voice. Claire put hands around Cid's neck, "Don't play dumb with me boy who was she?" "She's Natsume Kafka... the famous.. author." Cid struggled to say since Claire was choking him. "So she must be in that organization yours huh? That Shadow Guardian group? "Shadow Garde-RNGHH" Claire's grip tightened "So it seems like you have some girls in there that serve you, looks like i can't leave you around by yourself can i?

Cid thinks Claire is having a big misunderstanding right now but he can't object for Claire was still choking him. "I'm joining your Shadow Guardian group and i won't take no for an answer. Claire loosened a grip just enough for him to talk "yes ma'am" "And for tricking me," Claire continued. "You wont be getting non money from that bounty reward" What the hell did i do all that for? All I did was buy unnecessary trouble Cid thought dismayed. "Yes ma'am" is all he could say in that position. Claire got off of Cid, "now show me where your base is at? Cid got up and told Claire to follow him

And Cid started to go to Mitsugoshi because he forgot where their base was.

[That's the end of chapter 3! You guys won't have to wait long for the next one.]

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