Chapter 7: Yin and Yang

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Claire decided to wait at Mitsugoshi until one of the Seven Shades showed up. She didn't know what they looked like so she just guessed they were intimidating people with a strong aura. She decided to go walk around the roof to see if one showed up. When she got up and opened the door she was blinded with something. It was a girl. "Bossman's sister!" she said. It was Delta who was feeling as happy as ever. Claire pulled Delta off her. "Who are you" "Delta!" She exclaimed. "Delta stop causing trouble for Lord Shadow's sister." Said a certain beastkin. "Shut up Bitch cat!" Delta yelled, "You're just mad Delta got to hug Bossman's sister and not a stinky cat!" "I'm not!" She protested.

"Who are you?" Claire asked the beastkin girl. "Oh yeah, where are my manners? My name is Zeta, It's very nice to meet you." Zeta bowed slightly. "Do you by chance know who the Seven Shades are? I'm looking for them right now." Claire asked Zeta because it didn't look like Delta knew anything. "Unfortunately," Zeta said. "You are looking at two of them right now." Zeta glared at Delta while saying that. Claire was quite surprised. Zeta being part of the Seven Shades wasn't surprising, but the other girl with the aura of a poodle certainly was. "Yeah, it's unfortunate that Bitch Cat is with me!" Delta said sparking another argument. How could these people who are opposites from each other be in the same group?

"Hey is it true you knew Cid from a child?" Claire asked interrupting their argument. "Yes, I have. Zeta replied. "Delta knew tiny bossman! Delta responded. "So I guess it's true then," Claire said under her breath. "Delta wanna go hunting with Bosswoman!" Delta said. Bosswoman? Claire thought. Does she already consider me her boss? And couldn't she come up with a more creative name? Claire looked up at Delta then back down and she realized it wasn't possible for her. "She wouldn't want to go hunting with you!" Zeta said to Delta. "She's probably busy anyway." It would probably give me a chance to see what she's like in battle. Claire thought because she doubted Delta could do much. "I'll go hunting with you." "Hah, hear that Bitch Cat? Bosswoman wants to go hunting with Delta!" Delta boasted. Zeta looked away. She also wants to go hunting with Claire but isn't saying anything because 1.) She's embarrassed. And 2.) She knows exactly what Delta was going to say; "Bitch cat is also a copycat too! But it's okay for her to be like Delta cuz Delta is way cooler than a cat!" Or something along those lines.

A few minutes later Claire was following Delta in the woods. "Hunting with Bosswoman! Hunting with Bosswoman!" Delta kept chanting. "Ooh, Delta smells some sheepies!" She said and ran off. Claire struggled to keep up with her. She was a lot faster than she looks. Delta stopped. "Come on Bosswoman! You're not keeping up with Delta!" "It's not my fault you're going too fast," Claire said panting. "But Bossman can keep up with Delta!" Delta pouted. "Just slow down a bit," Claire said catching her breath.

"But then the sheepies will escape!"

"No, they won't we have a lot of time."

"Nyaaah! But Delta hates going slow!"

"Just slow down a bit"

"Fine!" Delta said then she ran off going the same speed she was going before. Claire sighed. How does Cid even put up with this girl? When Claire caught up with Delta she was already mauling the animals in a gruesome way. Claire Just stood and looked at how crazy she was. She was ripping off the sheep heads with her bare hands, piercing them through their chest, and and other gruesome ways. Claire decided since she took a while to get her she might as well kill some sheep. Claire unsheathed her sword and went in to slice a sheep. Then Delta jumped in front of her and killed it for her. "Ha ha too slow Bosswoman!" Claire decided she didn't have to do anything and she just watched as Delta massacred a herd of sheep. Delta laughed maniacally as he relieved the sheep of their lives.

After hunting Claire and Delta started grilling the sheep meat they just hunted. "Delta is excited to eat with Bosswoman!" Delta said happily. As it got dark Claire realized how crazy this day had been.

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