A Bit Early

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Hope you enjoy!!!!


"PARTYYYYYYYY!" Is what Claire screamed as she, Aja, Marry and Darcy ran inside my room, scarrying me half to death. Embarrassingly so, because I just came out of the shower with a towel wrapped around myself, and a towel wrapping my hair up to look like a wakko hair do. In case it was unclear, I just came out of the shower.

"What the hell?!" They all laugh loudly at seeing my horrified face. Claire skips forwards to me, gripping my hands as she jumps up and down, saying. "It's your Bachelorette party!!! But because you said you didn't want one at the night before your wedding, we decided to do it a week earlier!!!"I gaped

in shock at seeing them all. Darcy was dressed in a dark green war pattern dress, with her hair braided down. Marry had a scarlet tight dress on, and her hair up in a bun. Aja was in her alien form, and was wearing a light blue dress that glowed, it was rather puffy and a bit short.

But Claire knocked the wind out of me. She wore a black long dress, which was shorter at the front, and at the bottom, purple swirls laced into the dress. Her hair was down, and her white streak was purple. "You guys look fantastic! But I don't have anything to wear. Besides, I didn't even want a Bachelorette party!" "No buts! You're going with us to the club, wether you like it, or not." Claire demands, pointing it out. "But I don't have anything to wear!" I try as an excuse. Honestly, partying seemed like the worst thing in history right now. Always hated it. "Don't worry! I got you covered, girl!" Marry says, taking out a beautiful yellow dress. "Looks like you're out of excuses, girl." Darcy teased. Leaning forward with both hands on her hips.

I sigh, placing my hand against my forehead as I whisper. "Aye-yi-yi..." This is going to be a long night.

After I got the dress on, did my hair, my makeup and we got all our glow bands on, the girls were all breathless when they saw me. Before they all screamed party again. I let out a laugh, now actually excited to spend time with my girlfriends. "Oooh, just wait till wizard boy gets a hold of you." Darcy giggles, looking me up and down with a smirk and a waggle of her eyebrows. I roll my eyes, smiling as we walk out of my room. "Yeah, wait until the boys get a load of you guys. Just a quick question, do they know you're pulling off this little charade?" I ask, teasing them as their eyes widened. "Uhhhh... Who cares! They'll survive!" Aja waves off, making me hum as I say.

"Hmm, wanna try for a test run?" I say, pointing straight behind them. They turn around, halting immediately at seeing Toby, Jim, Krel, Steve and my way too good looking fiance coming down the hall, laughing loudly. They were in work out clothes, and compared to us, would be a funny match. They didn't see us yet, but they did when they now turned to face ahead, and halted straight in their tracks.

Toby drops the basketball he held, and his mouth dropped wide open, revealing the braces he still hasn't got off. But I'm rooting for you tobes! You got this! Douxie's jaw dropped, as did Krel's, Steve's, Toby's, and Jim's. "Whaaaaaaaaaaaaat?" Steve and Toby wheezed out, all of them practically drooling and stunned.

"Oh, hey, Babe! What're you doing here...?" Darcy nervously chuckled, scratching the back of her neck as she looked at Toby. Marry snapped her gaze towards Claire, mentally demanding an explanation. "I don't know! They said they'd be going for a game of basketball for Douxie's bachelor party!" My face scrunches up in confusion, as I say. "Is that what boys do for their bachelor parties?" "I know, weird, right?" Marry states, cringing. "What? Are you kidding me? That sounds freakin' awesome!" I say, grinning widely.
Marry stared dumbfounded at me, before waving me off with a scoff, clearly giving up on my apparently confusing self.

What? I AM still a Tomboy.

Us girls stare at each other for one more moment, before Claire twirls us around, and says. "We'll leave you boys to it!!" What? No!!! Douxie!!!!!! I want my Douxie...

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