What is the meaning of this?

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Surugu's POV

"Damn" I sit down on the bench in our schools locker room, frustrated, confused, agitated. I didn't know what the hell was going on with me, usually I'm calm and collective...but this...Riko... The thoughts that keep ramming in my mind about the incident that took place a few weeks ago still has me in disbelief... How could this have happened? We did everything right! Did any of this really mattered whether she had died or not? She was just 14! The claps, The shot of the gun going off, her lifeless body dropping to the floor, the scene in repeat over and over in my mind. I wanted it to stop. I wanted all of the memories of her to stop. It is driving me insane...

"Hey Geto?" Masamichi said snapping his fingers trying to get my attention. I quickly snapped out of my trance and made eye contact with him, "oh sorry... I must've been deep in thought", I said as I grabbed the back of neck embarrassingly.
"Well now that I've got your attention, the higher ups have informed me this morning to assign you a temporary partner. "What?!? Why is that?", I asked eagerly. "Well, with Gojo deciding to do mission completely alone for awhile and leaving you alone.... I guess they are just worried as I am about you kid". That's bullshit, they aren't worried about anyone but themselves, nothing else matters as long as this system stays in place. "Nothings wrong, I'm just following protocol like I've been doing", I got up from my desk and slowly started heading towards the door. "Geto, I hope so" he uttered as I opened the room door. I stopped in my tracks... I thought about asking him what he thought about the system, but I ultimately decided to not bother to ask him and walked out the door, closing it behind me. I started walking slowly down the hall. These higher ups are completely selfish bastards that only cared about how their system is ran. Why the hell would they be worried about me or anyone for that matter? It was complete bullshit, I couldn't accept that excuse Masamichi gave me. I knew he cared. Suddenly I hear footsteps catching up to me. "Suguru, Hello Suguru!" I slowly turn around to the sound of my name. It was Shoko running down from the other side of the hall. She stopped in front of me bent over trying to catch her breath, as she was doing that she grabbed the left side of my leg. "Damn didn't you hear me calling your name a thousand times?", she asked aggravated. "What?" I asked back. " You idiot, I know you could hear me, and why were you walking away so fast?" "I was walking normal pace, maybe you should lay off the cigarettes for awhile to gain some stamina" I said as I turned back around heading towards the exit to the school door. She followed, " your such a funny ass asshole... anyways since gojo is going solo, they moved me to medicine and healing as focus.... I heard you were getting a new partner".
"Well you heard right"
"Do you know who you will be working with?"
"No I didn't bother to ask"
Suddenly a spark of excitement flashed in her eyes. "Maybe it's a hot upperclassman"
"Shoko, I'm not really in the mood or interested in talking about boys with you"
She started laughing " Geto, your such an asshole I'm just messing around", she continued "Are you alright though?" "Don't worry about me, I've been fine... I probably just need some rest from working so much" I assured her. She looked down stressed, "well if you need anything you know I'm always here right?" I smiled not to worry her, "Of course, I know that... but hey I got plans tonight, but I'll catch up with you later". She then smiled and gave my arm a small playful push and started heading the opposite direction. I continued to wave as I watched her walk towards her home until she was out of sight. I then turned around and headed towards home.

Next Morning
Location: Kensai Airport, Osaka Japan

As I wait in the center of the airport I look up at the huge clock behind me at the top of the wall.
9Am huh? My partner was supposed to be here 30 minutes ago. Hmm maybe the plane is behind schedule. I quickly look around wondering if I missed the person I was waiting on. That couldn't possibly be. Or was it? I quickly start heading towards the service desk, luckily for me the lines weren't busy. "Excuse me, did flight B28 already land" I nervously asked the receptionist with a smile. " I don't think so sir, but I can check for you" she answered with a smile. "Yes, please do". She quickly started searching the system. "Sir, looks like the flight is a little behind... but it should be landing in the next 15minutes." Thank goodness. "Thank you" I said while bowing my head down and slowly started moving towards the pickup area. I picked up a white poster board I had left on the ground that mister Masamichi had given to me earlier today with my new partners last name on it.
I started to recall the conversation we had Earlier Today in his office.
Masamichi : "Geto, your partner will be arriving today from America. I need you to go pick them up from the airport in a couple of hours"
Suguru: "which airport?"
Masamichi: " Oh, that's right, your partner will be landing at the Kensai airport at 9am"
Suguru: "That's 3 hours from now and your just now telling me this?"
Masamichi: I'm getting old... but yeah I suggest you catch the bullet train to get there on time"
Suguru: "I'll try to make it"
Masamichi: Oh and take this white poster board with you, it has your partner's name on it so they know to come with you"

I look up at the airport clock again. It's 9:10 so 5 more minutes. Suddenly there's a vibration coming from my pocket. I dig my phone out and look to see who messaged me. It's gojo. I open the text message and he sends me a picture of us taking selfies with Shoko. The text read: Miss you guys, will see you soon. I smiled shaking my head as I put my phone back into my pocket. He was such an idiot. I look up at the clock again and it was now 9:16. I let out a sigh. I picked the board up and turned it around to read the name. Kuroshinju... what an odd name. I then lifted the board up to my chest. I look around to see if anyone was familiar with their name on the board. A couple minutes goes by, suddenly I get a tap on my back shoulder. "I think your looking for me". I slowly turn around to face my new partner.

Sorry if it's short. I'll try to get better along the way!

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