Made up my mind

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Location: small village on the countryside of Japan.
Time 10pm

It was dark out, it was getting to be midnight in the middle of what seemed to be a very crowded Forrest. All I could see was tall trees around me as I walked towards my destination.. I was alone, depressed again.... All I can think about is what had transpired the night before. Hayami. I was hurt and confused internally, the thought of us breaking up was a very hurtful feeling, like a sharp pain that was stabbing my heart.... It felt like losing someone again... like Riko... but at least she gets to continue living. I don't know why the higher ups would think that I was capable of such a thing as killing someone that I loved. They didn't give me any valid reason as to what the purpose of that would be. It made me angry, they all deserved to die. I then heard a small crack coming from the left side of me. Sounded as if something stepped on a small branch. I stopped walking for a moment to analyze my surroundings. The wind had gently blown... I could smell it, it was the stench of a low level curse.
As I  stood outside the small village, a malevolent curse emerged from the shadows, its powers crackling with dark energy. The curse wielded the ability to manipulate shadows, twisting them into deadly tendrils that reached out towards me. With each strike, the shadows lashed out, threatening to overwhelm me  in a vortex of darkness. My heart raced, as I was caught off guard from its attacks

Despite the curse's relentless assault, I remained focused, my eyes narrowing in determination. With precise movements, I unleashed one of my air shikigami, The spirits swirled around me, creating a barrier of protection as i strategized my next move.

As the curse continued its onslaught,I decided to use a light beam technique. I countered the shadows with blinding light, each beam cutting through the darkness with precision.

In a clash of powers and wills, the battlefield became a chaotic dance of light and shadow. As the battle reached its climax, my determination and skill proved to be unmatched. With a final surge of energy, I  unleashed a devastating blow that shattered the curse's defenses, leaving it vulnerable before me. Exorcise. Eat. Absorb. 
I couldn't stand the grotesque stench and the bad after taste from devouring a disgusting thing. All that negative energy being absorbed in my body made me feel gross.

"You must be the sorcerer, they sent"

A mysterious couple appeared in front of me.

"Come, follow us."


The couple had led me to what seemed to be an old abandoned house. They seemed to be relieved that I had finally arrived and were very urgent to show me what was going on in their small village. I followed them inside of the small house.

Villager Man: "We are so happy that you made it, we didn't know who else to turn to."

Woman: "Yes! It's been a lot of strange occurrences happening in the past couple of days."

I stayed silent as we walked until we had come upon a small room. The man opened the door slowly as if he was terrified of what was on the other side. He gestured me to go in first, I smelled two small distinct amount of cursed energy coming from the room. I slowly stepped inside the dark room, there were a few candles lit up but I couldn't make out what was ahead of me. I could hear the couple walking behind. I heard gentle sobbing, I was confused... as I approached the large cage I could see two small figures that seemed to be comforting each other. There was two small little girls locked up inside of the cage.. it looked as though they were being abused by the marks and scratches that were on their face. Their clothes also looked a bit roughed up, as if they were attacked by a group of monkeys. I was shocked at what I was witnessing, it was unbelievable. I came up with a conclusion in my head as to why they were here locked up in this cage, but I know from analyzing the whole scene what had possibly transpired before I got here... but I asked anyways. I put my hand on my forehead gently rubbing my thumb across it because I was in so much disbelief. They had to be bullshiting me...

Geto: "What is this?"

The guy behind me sounded pissed as he responded to my question... as if I was the dumb one that apparently didn't see the problem before me.

Villager Man: "what do you mean what?!? These two are responsible for the latest incident aren't they?"

I can feel the anger building up inside me as he snapped back, as I was still rubbing my thumb across my forehead. This was just inhumane. Locking two innocent children in a cage, they were scared, terrified, traumatized. I was disgusted.

Geto: "No, they're not"

I can see the terror in their eyes.

Villager Man: "These two are diabolically insane they used their mysterious powers to attack the villagers. 

Geto: "I already exterminated the cause of those incidents"

Villager Woman: "My granddaughter was nearly killed by these two, too!"

The blonde twin then tried pleading her case

Nanako: "That's because she-"

Villager woman: "Shut up you little monsters, your parents were just as bad, I knew we should have killed you two when you were babies!"

At that moment I remembered what Yuki told me
Yuki: "There's apart of you despising non-sorcerers, and a part of you rejecting that...It's up to you to choose which part..." As I remembered that I slowly could feel myself slipping out two shikigami's signaling to the girls that everything will be...

Shadow shikigami: "its...It's okay..."

They just looked at me quietly in wonder, yet still terrified of the unknown...

For the first time in a long time I genuinely felt happy, I felt free, like I was taking my first breath for the very first time... I felt refreshed and without any worry. I then collected myself and turned around towards the couple with the upmost friendliest smile.

Geto: "Everyone shall we step outside for a moment?"

They screamed. They asked Why. I just watched as their corpses burn one by one. I was emotionless, I felt.... Nothing. My empathy was nonexistent for them. I knew what I did here was no turning back now. I did for a moment think about what my previous comrades would think of me, what Satoru would think of me... what SHE would think of me. Then I remembered Riko and Haibara and how they had given up their lives for ungrateful monkeys with the help of Jujutsu society. I quickly pushed them in the far back of my mind. No, I had a cause it didn't matter what they thought. I believe in this new purpose. Get rid of every last monkey on Earth so we could all finally live in peace. No sorcerer would ever suffer again. I snatched my jujutsu pin off my uniform and just dropped it to the ground. The old Suguru was gone, I made up my mind today of what I actually wanted and how I was going to achieve it. Even if that meant losing the ones I truly loved in my life, my purpose had an actual meaning behind it. Not the bullshit they have been doing for years. I'm officially done with my past life...

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