Day before our last mission

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I felt drips of water drop on my face. I immediately jumped up and looked around the are. It was dark and loomy, and from the looks of it I was somehow in a cave. I became confused. How the hell did I get here?!?
Lilith: "Don't worry I used an astral projection to bring you here, your body is safe asleep next to Hayami."
I was alerted hearing and seeing Lilith present herself in front of me.
Suguru: "Is this some type of lair?"
Lilith giggled, "I guess you can call it that"
Suguru: "Why did you bring me here?"
She got up from what looked like a golden throne and went towards one of the nearby bookshelves.
Lilith: " Because you interest me", she then took one of the books off the bookshelf. I stood there confused, I didn't know if this was some trick or if I was dreaming.
Suguru: "Is that so?"
Lilith: "Your a male that's seems to be genuinely interested with Hayami."
Suguru: "what about it?"
Lilith: "I usually don't like to be completely honest with people I've just met...but I sense that your genuine."
I just stared at her, worried about what the next thing that was going to come out of her mouth.
Lilith: "I sense something dark in you Suguru Geto, your not being completely honest with anyone including yourself about why you are a sorcerer."
I was shocked because I was unprepared for what she said, I was surprised.
Suguru: "I'm actually confused as to why now"
Lilith: "You know during my time humans worshipped jujutsu sorcerers"
Suguru: " I know about that"
Lilith: " I just thought that would interest you, seeing that your rethinking what it means to be a sorcerer."
Suguru: "The strong protect the weak"
She laughed.
Lilith: "of course, but who is actually the weak in this scenario?"
Suguru: "What do you mean?"
Lilith: " you've seen how non sorcerers run society? They make up the rules in this era, your controlled by the society they've built for you. They get to enjoy their life while you sorcerers die and don't get the recognition you deserve."
What she was telling me immediately put me into deep thought. A part of me agreed but apart of me wanted to do the right thing. Then I thought about Riko, she was just a child and they all wanted her dead. Her existence didn't matter to them. The pain of the memory was spreading like a viruse in my mind. It made me think about Hayami and what they would do to her.
Suguru: "Why are you telling me this?"
Lilith: " Because you seem very conflicted and I actually like you. Especially for Hayami."
Suguru: "I don't know what is right."
Lilith: "How can you know what is right when you have a bunch of cowards hiding around ordering how jujutsu society should work? Your putting your life on the line to protect whom? Seems to me like jujutsu sorcerers are the ones that need protection.They've become weak, and that's just the perspective of the situation"
She was starting to make a lot of sense, maybe the weak ones that needed protection the most was the sorcerers. Maybe non sorcerers are the strong ones in this case. I quickly changed the subject because I didn't want to become confused or depressed, I had other things to worry about that was on my top priority list.
Suguru: "Right now my priority is keeping Hayami safe."
Lilith: " I have been keeping Hayami safe, that was part of my deal with her father, you'd think I let someone that works for me die?"
Suguru: "I don't know you are technically cursed"
Lilith: " Don't worry, I choose wisely when it comes to working with people."
Suguru: "Why choose her?"
Lilith: " besides beauty and intelligence, she is extremely compatible, she reminds me of me in my youth, strong and flexible.... I used to design cursed weapons during my training days as a sorcerer. As part of using my cursed energy you also have to be able to handle using my cursed weapons."
Suguru: "If you don't mind me asking what was the deal between you and her father?"
Lilith: "I've been around his clan for awhile's a long story, but long story short I needed a female to do my bidding that matched with me perfectly...He so happened to have a a daughter that matched me perfectly in an exchange for something he desperately wanted."
She then opened the book in her hand and started scamming through it, once she found what she was looking for the folded the page corner and handed the book to me.
Suguru: "What's this?"
Lilith: "This is one of the books I had written during my time as a human, i documented everything I learned from curses, the different types of curse artifacts, and sorcerers I've encountered during my era. This is one of many books."
I skimmed through the pages, her work was amazing, I couldn't believe the knowledge that I was given, this was extremely handy.
Suguru: "Why do you trust me enough to be sharing this information with me?"
Lilith grinned, "Because I like you Suguru Geto. I really don't enjoy men's company but there are sometimes exceptions and right now we need eachother... we both want to protect Hayami. I'm even willing to make you an offer later on when the time comes if your willing."
Suguru: " I don't accept offers from curses, there's always some malicious intent behind them."
Lilith: " I understand your concern about making pacts with curses.... but I keep me end of the bargain without any consequences, I don't feel the need to be manipulative. I have one goal and one goal only...I want to be free from this and move on to the next thing."
Suguru: "I will think it over"
Lilith: " Well Suguru Geto, our time is has come to a close, until next time."
She snapped her fingers and before I knew it I was awoke, the sun beaming down on my eyes from the apartment window. I rubbed my eyes lazily, I noticed Hayami was still sound asleep on her living room couch. I mesmerized her as usual and kissed her on her forehead. I slowly got up off the couch and noticed that I was completely naked, I quietly looked around the room for my clothes and noticed a black colored book on top of the living room table. I picked it up and recognized it was the book Lilith had given to me. So it wasn't just a dream.... I scanned the room once more and found my clothes near the side of the couch and put them on. I grabbed the book and headed out the door, shutting it quietly to not disturb Hayami from her slumber. I pulled out my phone and texted her that I'd be out getting coffee and that I'll be back.

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