Warehouse pt.2

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Location: Harajuku, Tokyo

We were both standing outside of the abandoned warehouse, it was very  dark and quiet. I looked around the area and there was no one outside so I assumed that the curse users were already inside of the building. We both squatted down, quietly but quickly moving near the back entrance of the building.
Suguru: "Can you use your curse technique to detect if they are here for sure?"
Hayami closed her eyes as if she was meditating, it took a moment before she finally opened them to give me an answer.
Hayami: "Yeah, they are here"
Suguru: "we need to be quiet and to not alert them, I think a sneak attack with be the best way if we are outnumbered."
Hayami: "Actually, I was thinking about doing this one by myself..."
Her head was down and I was a little shocked at the fact that she didn't want me to participate in the ambush.
Suguru: "why?!?"
Hayami: "Because for some reason they want and I want to know why... and plus I don't want you to get hurt"
I stared at her like she was crazy I was about to abject but she then continued.
Hayami: "Please don't try to stop to jump in, for me... I really need to avenge my friend. Plus Lilith is very problem so I shouldn't have much trouble."
For a moment I looked at her not saying around, she seemed sad but determined to do this alone. At first I didn't know what to think, but then again she was a grade 1 sorcerer who could handle her own. I nodded my head in agreement.
Suguru: "Just promise me, if you need assistance I'm allowed to jump in, I don't want you to get badly injured... or worse case scenario die."
Hayami: "Don't worry, I think I mastered those other powers I had trouble with, just sit back and watch... After I'm done if there's any shimigami summoned by any of the users than you can absorb them."
Suguru: "Deal."
I stood up and looked up at the sky, I focused my energy on forming a veil over the warehouse so the outside world wouldn't be able to see what was going on.
She looked at me and smiled, I nodded my head once, giving her my signal to go into the building alone, and I was ready to follow her lead.
She put her hands on the doubled doors, sighed, and opened them quietly and squatted immediately after seeing what appeared to being a guard near the door.  He didn't notice us, which was good. She slowly crept up behind him, carefully pulling out a small tanto sword from the side of her pocket, when she reached him, she immediately stabbed him in the throat from behind, he slowly fell back, blood gushing out his mouth. The man was choking on his own blood.
We moved on from guard after guard, her doing the same thing over again each time until we finally reached the middle of the building. We slowly crept up to the giant doors. She was about to go inside but I stopped her. Putting my hand on her shoulder.
Suguru: "Are you sure you can handle this?"
She nodded
Suguru: "Be careful."
I then kissed her forehead, she stood up and opened the doors, this time with more force as if she wanted to be noticed. There were three guys.
Hayami: "Heard you were looking for me."
All three looked at her. The one in the muddled grinned, I was guessing he was the ring leader of the group. He stopped the other two men that seemed like they were about to attack.
Soya: "Dante, Rin... no need to treat our guest of honor with so much hostile."
Hayami: "Who are you and what do you want from me?"
His smirk became wider.
Soya: "I'm Soya, you can call me a business, There's something that you possess sweetie that I need."
Hayami: "yeah?! And what is that?!?"
Soya: " well it seems like you have a very high quality shimigami on your hands."
Hayami: "I don't know what your talking about."
Soya then chuckled.
Soya: "Don't play dumb with me girl, you have the shimigami Lilith in your possession... I was there during that little incident, I'm the one who sent those men after you."
Hayami looked shocked at first but then she became angry.
Hayami: " your foolish if you think you'll be able to obtain Lilith, she doesn't work with men."
He laughed and then he proceeded.
Soya: " I'm not trying to to bind with Lilith, that's not what I am not trying to do. I understand that she doesn't work with men, but the thing about her being around just messes up business for me... I run a human trafficking business... trafficking women and children to the highest bidder globally... and since her awakening she's been fucking that up by killing my men... I want her gone."
This man was a sick psychopath, it angered me to what I was hearing, I wanted to kill him but I had agreed I wouldn't chime in. I then noticed that Hayami's Aura had changed, her cursed energy felt very dark, it gave chills down my spine. I could tell the men beside Soya felt the energy shift. They looked a bit worrisome. Soya continued.
Soya: "I have the perfect tool to do it, he pulled out a small brown metal box, there was eyes covered all over it. I'm planning on sealing her in this prison realm for the rest of her existence."
It was quiet for a moment. I watched as Hayami angrily ball up her fist, she was quiet her head was pointed to the ground.
He then pointed up to Hayami.
Soya: "Boys kill the girl... I have some other important matters to attend to."
He then happily waved at Hayami before leaving the room.
Soya: "it was a pleasure meeting meeting you Hayami Kuroshinju, maybe you could've worked for me."

The two men then brought their attention of Hayami.
Dante: "We should make this as quick as possible"
Rin: "No worries"
The guy Rin, then put his hand in a motion as if he was about to shoot an arrow. Then fire started forming into the shape of an arrow. I guess this was his curse technique. He then shot and aimed a few at Hayami. Which quickly alerted Hayami, she dodged them. She held out her hand and suddenly a cursed weapon I have never seen before appeared. It was a hula  hoop shaped weapon with razor sharp edges.
Dante: " I never seen a weapon like that before, so be careful."
Standing against the two men, Hayami decided to confront them head on, armed with her hula  hoop like weapon adorned with the razor sharp edges. The weapon was an extension of Lilith's cursed energy. Suddenly Dante unleashed torrents of water,  but the mastery over her sound waves allowed her to create a protective barrier of vibrating air, deflecting the powerful waves and shielding her from harm.

Meanwhile, Rin showered the battlefield with his fiery arrows, attempting to incinerate Hayami in a blaze of flames. With her hula  hoop, she spun it at incredible speeds, creating a whirlwind of razor sharp edges. The blades sliced through the air, intercepting Rin's arrows before they could reach her. She was amazing, I was extremely impressed by her battle skills.

As the battle raged on, Hayami cursed energy grew stronger, resonating with the intensity of her emotions. With each passing moment, the sound waves she manipulated gained power and ferocity. She then unleashed a devastating sonic assault, shattering Dante's water constructs and overwhelming Rin's flames.

Realizing that they were both outmatched, Rin and Dante joined forces, combining their water and fire techniques in a desperate attempt to over power Hayami. But Hayami, driven by her unwavering determination, focused her cursed energy and unleashed a final, momental attack.

Her hula hoop transformed into a whirling vortex of sound. The sharp edges  glowed with an ethereal light as Hayami channeled her cursed energy into a single concentrated blast. The blast tore the the combined assault  of Dante's and Rin's , obliterating their defenses and leaving them weakened and vulnerable. They both laid on the floor, slashes all over their bodies. She walked up to them, disgust on her face as she spoke.
Hayami: " Where is Soya headed to?"
They looked at her for a moment. The sounds of their coughs filled the room. I walked over to her making sure she was fine. No harm done at all.
Rin: "He's on his way south from her towards the shipping docks."
She then started heading towards the exit, I stopped in front of her.
Hayami: "They'll die soon, we must keep moving on."
Suguru: "Your not tired?!"
Hayami: I'm fine, I really want to just go and finish him"
I knew that she was eager to kill him for causing so much trouble. It made me think about what I wanted to do to the members of the star religion group that day. But I wanted to know that this wouldn't be something that changed her.
Suguru: " Maybe I should finish this, you've done enough."
Hayami: " I have unfinished business to take care of, this is really not your fight Geto!"
Suguru: " Im just trying to help."
Hayami: "Well... then just let me finish this myself",she was becoming frustrated with me.
Suguru: "Look, I don't want-I don't want you to end up hating yourself for anything that happened... none of this is your fault... not the Lilith, not the fact your friend died none of this, I don't want you to suffer in burden.
She paused.
Hayami: " I'm not you Geto, it's sounds to me like your projecting your feelings on to me... I don't feel a burden...this is my job... no none of this was my fault... but I'm making something of it."
I stood there quiet, completely shocked. I couldn't say anything because maybe I was projecting my feelings on to her. She walked up to me and kissed me.
Hayami: "It's ok, I've accepted this"
Suguru: "You sure?"
Hayami: "yeah, now I need to avenge Jiro and stop this before it gets any worse."

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