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I gently awaken, the morning light filtering through the curtains, cast a warm glow in the room. I realize that Hayami is still cuddle against my chest. She was peacefully sleeping. I observed her serene experession, cherishing the tranquility of the moment.
With a gentle touch, I brushed the strands of hair away from her face, careful not to disturb her slumber. I take a good moment to appreciate her presence, wondering about the status of our relationship now. Was she now technically my girlfriend? Does this now make us a couple? Are we moving too fast? The starts spiraled in my mind as if it was a whirlwind.
Suddenly Hayami begins to stir, her eyes flutter open meeting my gaze. A soft smile graces her lips, and I reciprocate the gesture,, a mix of warmth and affection became evident in my eyes.
I break the silence
Suguru: "Good morning, did you sleep well?"
Hayami stretched lazily, her expression shifting from drowsiness to alertness.
Hayami: "Good morning Suguru, I did."
We both settled in a more comfortable position on my bed.
Suguru: "that's good, I surprisingly got some sleep last night too."
Hayami: "Oh, I kind of noticed that you had eye-bags due to lack of sleep ever since we met"
I put one of my hands on my neck.
Suguru: "well yeah... I haven't been getting much rest"
I paused and then continued on with the conversation.
Suguru: "Why you don't live here on campus?"
She looked surprised.
Hayami: "I do, I just have an apartment just for some extra privacy"
Suguru: "we're allowed to do that?"
She giggled
Hayami: "I don't know I just do it"
We then heard a knock on the door.
Suguru: "Shit!"
I quickly jumped off my bed and threw some joggers and a t-shirt on.
She was still sitting on the bed with a blank look on her face.
Suguru: "I'm sorry, I wasn't expecting anyone to come over."
I opened up the door, my heart dropped, I was feeling all sorts of emotions rush through me.
I quickly put on a smile as if everything was normal, blocking the view of my room nervously.
Suguru: "Satoru!!!"
Gojo: "I thought I'd swing by and check up on you."
Suguru: "oh Satoru, you just checked on me a few days ago, I can assure you I'm fine."
I tried my best from sounding nervous
He raised an eyebrow
Gojo: "You sure?"
Suguru: "why wouldn't I be"
Gojo then kicked the door open wider.
And I immediatly became embarrassed
He looked shocked at first and then gave me a huge devious grin.
Gojo: "Geto!  You sly dog what do we have here?"
Hayami peeked her head out with a embarrassing grin.
Hayami: "konichiwa"
She then waved hello nervously.
He immediately went up to her and took one of her hands.
Gojo: "Geto is sooo rude, you must be Hayami."
He then gently kissed her hand and she blushed.
I rolled my eyes and closed the door behind me
Suguru: " Hayami this is my best friend Satoru. Satoru this is Hayami.
Gojo: "It really is my pleasure to finally meet you, you are beautiful"
He let go of her hand and smacked me on the back of my neck.
Suguru: "What was that for?"
Gojo sat down in one of my wooden chairs with his feet up on my desk
Gojo: "Lying"
Suguru: "I wasn't expecting you to come over"
Gojo looked at Hayami and drew his attention back to me and smirked.
Gojo: "I see why"
Hayami got up off my bed as if she was late for something.
Hayami: "I really should get going, it was nice meeting you Satoru."
She then stopped in front of me and whispered in my ear.
Hayami: "Dinner at my place tonight"
She then gave me a soft kiss on the cheek blushed and went out the door.

Still grinning Gojo continued to tease me.
Gojo: "Seems like you were having too much fun last night"
Suguru: "We didn't do anything"
Gojo: "Bullshit!!! She left with nothing but your t-shirt."
I laughed a little
Suguru: "We just kissed and cuddled. She wanted to stay over so I let her stay the night"
Gojo looked at me as if he didn't believe me
Gojo: "Yeah sure you didn't hit second base"
Suguru: "well unlike you Satoru I'm a kind man, I respect woman"
Gojo started mocking me with his hand gestures
Gojo: Blah BlahBlah yeah whatever.
Suguru: "Your so mature"
Gojo: " if something happened you'd let me in on it right?"
I looked at him with a blank look
Suguru: "Absolutely not"
He sighed
Suguru: " you'll know, when you know"
Gojo: "what the hell is that supposed to mean?"
I just playfully shrugged
Gojo: "Fine!"
I took two sodas out my mini fridge and tossed one to him.
Suguru: "Why are you here anyways?"
Gojo: "I honestly wanted to go shoot a couple hoops, but I think I just now changed my mind"
I looked at him with curiosity
Suguru: "Why is that?"
He popped his can open
Gojo: I don't know. After seeing you and Hayami in your bed I felt like your life just got interesting" he smirked
Suguru: "I promised nothing happened we just kissed.... It almost went there... but she felt it's best to wait"
Took a gulp of the soda.
Gojo: "Well at least your now out of the friend zone."
Suguru: "you think so"
Gojo: "yeah I mean she slept here and kissed you before she left out the door."
I thought about it.
Gojo: "Fuck it let's play some video games or something, I'm bored."

*Sorry so short my bf interrupted me with a surprise I'll write the next part later today*

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