Sayōnara, yoki yūjin/ America

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Nanami: "It was supposed to be an easy mission, to exterminate a second grade spirit.
Suddenly a chair violently crosses the room.
Nanami: "DAMMIT!!!"
He calmly sit down in one of the other chairs sitting in the infirmary, placing a wet towel over his face, I could tell he was extremely upset and distraught.
Nanami: Their faith in shikigami, that was a local deity... that was a first grade case!"

I blankly stare at the body that was placed in front of me in disbelief, I felt cold and couldn't feel any emotion at this moment. It still hasn't registered in my mind that he could be gone. My brain was in denial, this couldn't be real. He was such a great person and did everything right as a sorcerer and yet...he was laying before me on a stretcher... my heart felt numb, but deep down i knew he wasn't coming back. I quickly became angry with the thought that maybe the higher ups set Haibara up to be killed, I wouldn't put it past them to do something so bold like that...after all they were ok with sacrificing Riko to Tengen and didn't have any remorse after her death... Just another dead body to them... Again maybe I'm just overthinking about Haibara's death... maybe it was actually a mistake... But how can you mistaken a damn deity for a second grade curse?!? How the hell does that happen?!?

Suguru: "Nanami, you should just rest for now, Satoru has taken up your mission."

I pulled the sheet up to cover whatever was left of Haibara.

Nanami: " Can we just let him handle every mission at this point?"
The marathon game of being a jujutsu sorcerer, if the only thing waiting at the end... is a moment of our comrades corpses...then....

Next day
Location: Dallas, TX

Hayami: "Welcome to America, hope you like it!"
I smiled, I was extremely happy to finally see my girlfriend. We made it to the hotel that I will be spending time during my stay in America. The suite was very spacious and extremely nice, it gave a very comfortable and modern feel to it.

Hayami: "So what do you think?!"
Suguru: "It's great"
She then pulls me by the wrist and locks her fingers in between mine, showing me every inch of the hotel room with excitement. The last room was the bedroom. She lets go of my hand and plops down on the king size bed in the middle of the room.
Hayami: "So how's Jujutsu High?"
I could feel my face turn cold and the sadness overcoming my thoughts. Haibara recently just had passed and I was trying my best to block my emotions from her. I didn't want to tell her... It wasn't the right time...

Hayami: "Suguru... are you alright?"

I quickly snap back to reality.

Suguru: "Yeah... Everything is fine, i just have been working late last night.... so I didn't get much sleep"

She then gets up from the bed and stands before me, her face was covered in confusion.

Hayami: "Suguru if there's some—"
Suguru: "I'm alright I promise"
I tried smiling. She then sighs softly, she then looks extremely disappointed.
Hayami: "If it was something, I'm here you can tell me.... Do you not.... Trust me?"

I then stare at her, my eyes widened, I didn't want her to believe that it was her, it was just that I didn't want to ruin her day or this trip with bad news....
Suguru: "It's just, not the right moment is all"

She then gets closer to me, leaving barely any space between us to where her head was a few inches under my chin. She looks up at me with innocence.

Hayami: " you know I'm always here for you"
Suguru: "I know"
Hayami: " You look tired... wear your hair down now?!?"
Suguru: "Yeah just been over working that's all, I guess I've been too lazy to put it up anymore"

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