Never Again

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It was Tuesday so this morning we had to go to class. I attended class as usual, today was an easy day just studying sorcery. I really was thinking about last night and couldn't focus much on the books that were sitting in front of me. I had extreme anxiety thinking about Hayami and Lilith, this was a potential threat in their eyes. What if they found out? They would immediately want her executed without question. They wouldn't care of she was a normal teenage girl trying to live her life the best way she could. It wasn't her damn fault her father made a deal basically with the devil. She had no say in this. She was innocent. How long before they find out? What would I do when they do find out? The thoughts in my mind were starting to get dark and twisted again, just the thought of this made me both anxious and angry. I hated feeling like this.
Gojo: "You ok man"
He put his hand on my shoulder. He snapped me back to reality.
Suguru: "yeah I'm fine"
Gojo: "You don't look fine"
Suguru: "Huh"
Gojo: " You know you can tell me anything"
Suguru: "Yeah... I's just that-.... never mind"
I looked down at my desk contemplating on whether or not I should say anything about the whole Lilith thing. He was my best friend, but I didn't want to get Hayami upset if I told anyone else about her situation.
Suguru: "Meet me at my dorm room whenever your done with your assignment."
I got up from my desk.
Gojo: I'll be there
Suguru: " Do me a favor.... Give me a heads up before you pop up at my door"
Gojo smiled and gave me the thumbs up.
I walked out the room.

Location: Suguru's Dorm

Hayami: " I sent my profile in to the modeling agency online!"
She was extremely excited and I was excited for her, but I couldn't express it due to the anxiety Lilith caused me. I was sitting at my desk looking at the photo gojo, shoko and I took just thinking into space.
Suguru: I'm really happy for you...but... what about Lilith?"
Hayami looked surprised I was brining her up again, she then sat on my bed.
Hayami: "What about her?"
Suguru: " have you not thoroughly thought this through?"
Hayami: " After this year, I was going to leave"
Suguru: "But she's awake now..."
I started to get angry with her.
Hayami sighed.
Suguru: "This is careless"
Hayami: "She's being careful"
Suguru: "She killed 3 men and jujutsu high got ahold of the bodies so she's not being careful enough"
Hayami paused and didn't say anything, her fave was filled with innocence and guilt.
Suguru: "I don't want anything to happen to you, I'm not letting someone close to me die again"
She just looked at me, I could feel she was feeling guilty for making me feel this way.
Hayami: "I will have a talk with her about not coming out like that"
Suguru: "I trust Gojo, I'm sure he wouldn't tell a soul about this"
Hayami didn't say a word for awhile, I guess she was lost in thought for a moment. She then got up from off the bed. She then climbed in my lap facing me. She kissed me on the side of my cheek, and I wrapped my arms around her.
Suguru: "you know I love you... that's why I'm upset"
Hayami: "I know"
She then pecked me on my lips, which calmed me down a bit. I then cupped her chin with my hand and bent my head down to kiss her passionately. We made out for a bit, until we heard a knock on the door.

Gojo: "Hello?!? Is anybody home"
I shook my head, Hayami got off of me to get up and sat on my bed. I walked to the door and opened it up.
Suguru: "Satoru"
Gojo: " Mission was easy didn't take me long"
He walked inside and sat at the desk that I was sitting.
Gojo: "Hello Hayami"
She waved to him with a friendly smile and stayed quiet.
He then turned towards me
Gojo"So what's up?"
I closed the door behind me
Suguru: " I have to tell you something, you have to promise not to tell anyone"
He made a weird curious face as if he somehow confused on what I just said.
Gojo: "I'll keep your relationship secret, I thought everyone knew by now."
In the corner of my eye I can see Hayami blushing.
Suguru: "No you idiot"
Gojo: "wha-what then!"
I then sighed. And explained everything to him, about that night, the three men, the mysterious guy that attacked, and then finally Lilith.
He laughed at me as if I was kidding at first but then seen that my facial expression didn't change and he then took me serious.
Gojo: "Sweet Hayami has a powerful curse shimigami?!?"
She nodded.
Gojo: " So I'm guessing the higher ups don't know about this?"
He looked at me then her and noticed that she was becoming anxious.
Gojo: " it's ok Hayami, you can trust me... the thing I'm worried about is the higher ups"
Suguru: "The plan for now is Hayami is going to try to talk to Lilith to not come out"
Gojo: "But she needs to feed on something right in the mean time?"
I didn't think about that.
Hayami: "There's another way to feed her without getting caught, I forgot that she also feeds on sexual energies."
Gojo smirked. I looked shocked, but it made total sense.
Suguru: "That would make sense considering she is the goddess of seduction."
Gojo: " you know what that means" he started teasing me.
Hayami: "We don't have to do anything to that level."
Gojo then pulled out his phone and started texting. He then grinned to himself. I got a vibration from my pocket and then pulled out my phone. It was a text message from him and I opened.
Gojo: We already know you both took it there 🍆🍑😂🤣
I made eye contact, making sure he was looking at me and flicked him off.
Hayami: "What's going on?!?"
He laughed.
Gojo: "Oh nothing, just a guys thing"
I rolled my eyes.
Gojo: "Do you have a plan if they do find out?"
Suguru: " No, but I think I'd take you up on that offer we were discussing before the incident last year."
Gojo: "If that's what you want to do... I'm down"
Suguru: " you don't have to if you don't want to, but I'm letting you know, right now, that I'm going to take them out."
Gojo: " I've been thinking about that day, I was surprised you said no when I asked you should we kill them... I don't think I still would feel anything."
Suguru: "Well that's good, because I wouldn't feel anything either, it was pointless then, but now it would not only be personal...but for a reason."
Gojo: "so how would she get feed off of sexual energy?"
She blushed. Now that I thought about it I was also curious as to how this would be accomplished.
Hayami: "Well... through intimacy, it doesn't necessarily have to be anything going too far... it could be something as simple as giving Suguru a kiss on the cheek."
He stared blankly with disappointment.
Hayami: "Yeah if we were to get physically intimate then she'll just absorb that energy, it usually makes me extremely tired"
Oh so that's why we are always going to sleep through physical touch, Lilith was absorbing our energy.
Gojo: "well that's no fun, I thought I'd be more interesting than that"
Suguru: " whatever you were assuming satoru, I'm letting you know right now that's creepy"
Gojo: "What?!? I'm a man, I thought it had something to do with you know what with Lilith or something, isn't she supposed to be like this super hot demon that seduces you and then kills you or something?!? That way of dying would be honorable"
I looked at him dumbfounded
Suguru: "What?!?"
Gojo: "what's wrong with banging a hot shinigami? That would be epic as hell"
I shook my head, "Something is seriously wrong with you"
Hayami: "She can hear everything your saying you know"
Gojo then sat and thought about and then looked unbothered. He then grinned again.
Gojo: "She can try it with me, I would love to see what she's capable of"
Hayami looked shocked that he would say such a thing.
Suguru: "Just because your one of the strongest Satoru doesn't mean you can take on a goddess we don't even know if she's stronger than you.
Gojo: "yeah whatever"
Suguru: "Your so immature"
Gojo: "Welp, I think I'll be taking my exit now, you two kids have fun... but not too much fun. And don't get caught."
He then got up, waved goodbye at us and closed the door behind him.

Suguru: "Sorry about him"
Hayami: "it's ok"
Suguru: " sometimes he can be a little too arrogant"
She giggled, "it's alright, it's just Gojo being Gojo"
Suguru: "Are you staying the night again?"
She happily nodded.
I got up and went to my closet and pulled out a couple of my old t-shirts.I sat them down on my desk.
Suguru: "so every night you stay the night you can just keep these, but I'm going to keep them in my room so you don't have to worry about bringing your pajamas here."
She looked extremely happy, stood up and gave me a kiss on the cheek.
Hayami: "Suguru, you are extremely thoughtful and sweet"
It felt good knowing that she felt this way about me.
Suguru: " you really should give my parents the credit, they've been together for a long time and I learned from them"
Hayami: "They raised you amazingly, do they have cursed energy?"
Suguru: "No, I'm the one in my family with cursed talents, they are non sorcerers"
Hayami: "oh so you got lucky?"
I thought about it for a moment. Luck?!? I wouldn't call it luck, especially how they treat us. How disposable we are to them, how our lives didn't mean anything to them as long as we kept their curses in check. I shook the thoughts, I didn't want to go back to that dark place. I had to surpress it. I then quickly thought of something else to get my mind far away from those deep thoughts.
Suguru: "So I kept a couple of your photos I help take for your portfolio, you don't mind if I use it as wallpaper?"
She blushed but shook her head no.
I was a bit disappointed but if she didn't want me to have I respected her decision.
Hayami "I have a special photo just for you only"
She pulled out her phone and then scanned through her photo gallery.
Hayami: "Ahh, there"
I recieved a text and checked my phone

Hayami: "Ahh, there"I recieved a text and checked my phone

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It was a cute pic. She looked innocently sweet. It made my day. I quickly saved it as my wallpaper.
Suguru: "You look so beautiful."
She blushed and thanked me. I put my phone on the charger. We stayed up for awhile watching tv and ate ramen. We both put on our night clothes. She untied my hair and brushed it down for me, while I sat on my bed studying my books of sorcery. She then kissed me on then cheek and I grabbed her wrist and spun her from behind me and gently forced her into my lap. As she sat there I couldn't help but admire her. I felt lucky to be in her presence. I started gently kissing her neck, and she started giggling a little. She turned her head to face me and smiled and I lifted her chin a bit and I passionately kissed her. Never again will I let the Riko situation happen... especially with you Hayami.

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