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"I don't want to go," Lizzie whispered the morning of her flight back to LA.

We had spent the night in, watching movies and cuddling and kissing and talking into the early hours of this morning. Not one of us dared to mention the words 'aeroplane' or 'Los Angeles'. But now her flight was in six hours and there was no avoiding it. She was leaving and she wasn't going to back until my graduation on the 20th of July. That's just under three weeks for those of us counting (that's me).

"I don't want you to go either," I frowned, kissing the top of her head, "but you have to."

She nodded slowly and let out a shaky breath, "I'm gonna cry."

"Me too," I nodded, "crying at the airport is never fun."

"No, like right now," she told me, picking her head up and jutting her bottom lip out.

"Oh baby," I sighed, wiping the tears that were falling down her cheeks, "please stop crying because then I'm going to start crying and if I start, I don't think I'll be able to stop."

"I wish you could come with me," she cried softly, burying her head into the crook of my neck.

"I know," I nodded quickly, "it's going to be okay; we'll be fine."

"What if- what if I come back and you've met someone," she thought out loud.

"Not going to happen," I smiled softly, "its only three weeks."

"A lot can happen in three weeks," she replied quietly.

"I'll tell you what's going to happen," I started, "you're going to go home. You're going to see your family and talk with your dad and I'm going to call you every day. The time difference from here to LA is eight hours so if I call you after work at 7pm London time, it'll be 11am LA time."

"I'll wait by the phone," she whispered, still crying softly.

I nodded and kissed her head again, "you're going to come to London for my graduation on the 20th and then we'll be together that whole weekend and then you fly home for the rest of the summer ... but you're back in London on the 15th of August. That's not even a month until we're together again. We'll be living together, and it'll be amazing."

"I wish I could skip the whole summer and just come back to London already," she replied.

"I wish you could too," I smiled sadly.

She nodded and let out a hard sob, burying herself further into me. I frowned and hugged her tightly, running my hand through her hair as she cried, a few tears falling down my own face.

"Your car will be here any minute," I whispered, kissing her head repeatedly.

She shook her head, "I don't want to."

"Come on my love," I sighed, sitting up and cupping her face, "we're going to be fine."

She nodded and wiped her eyes, "I love you Y/N/N."

"I love you too Elizabeth," I smiled, pressing our lips together, the taste of her tears between us.

The doorbell went off, making us pull apart and frown.

"Three weeks," I told her again.

"Three weeks," she nodded, pecking my lips a few more times.

I helped her up and walked to the door with her as she opened it and greeted her driver. She turned around and smiled at me one more time. I grabbed her waist and pulled her towards me, crashing our lips together again. When she pulled away, she smiled sadly.

"Text me when you land," I spoke.

"I will, I love you darling," she frowned, pecking my lips again, "I'll see you in three weeks."

Midnight RainTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang