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"Y/N/N?" Lizzie shouted from her bedroom as I was showering.

"Yeah?" I shouted back with a smile, turning off the water and putting on a towel.

"Have you seen my- ow fuck," Lizzie exclaimed.

I opened the door, and she was sat on her bed with her hand on her head, massaging it lightly.

"What happened," I giggled.

"I hit my head on the stupid fucking wardrobe door," she explained, "have you seen my white dress? The Urban Outfitters one?"

"Have you checked your drawers?" I asked.

"Yes," she whispered to herself, getting up and finding it straight away, "thank youuu."

"So glad I could help," I laughed, "I'll come back in an hour?"

She nodded and smiled at me as I left her bedroom and walked towards the guest room to get ready for our evening out. Lizzie was obviously wearing her small white dress so I decided I would do the opposite and wear my Urban Outfitters black mini dress. As I got ready, I put on my bad bitch playlist and sang along to Dress by Taylor Swift. Straightening my hair, applying my makeup and getting dressed only took me 45 minutes so I ran down the stairs and poured two vodka lemonades before running back upstairs to Lizzie's bedroom where her own music was playing.

She was listening to Danielle Haim by the sounds of it but is anyone surprised by that?

I knocked twice and she hummed a yes. Pushing the door open, I was met with my gobsmackingly gorgeous girlfriend. Her white dress made her summer LA tan look even darker and her blonde highlights helped too. She had left half of her hair down and did the rest in a stick back ponytail, currently she was wrapping a strand of hair around the hairband and playing with the baby hairs around her forehead.

"You look stunning," I smiled, placing her drink on the desk in front of her and climbing onto the back of her chair.

"Y/N what are you doing?" she giggled, sipping her drink.

"Nothing," I mumbled, putting my legs either side of her so her back was against my front.

I wrapped my arms around her waist and rested my head on her back.

"I swear to fuck if you get makeup on my dress-"

"I won't," I replied, "keep getting ready, pretend I'm not even here."

"You are attached to me like a koala what do you mean pretend I'm not here?" she laughed.

I smiled and kissed the back of her neck before leaning my chin on her shoulder and watching her get ready through the reflection of the mirror.

"Are you wearing a dress," she asked me, applying her mascara.

I nodded.

"So, the way you're sitting means your whole vagina is just on display right now?"

"Your tongue has been inside my vagina, I think it's all good baby," I giggled.

"Okay, yeah, good point," she nodded, "all right, I'm ready."

"Okay," I smiled, kissing her cheek before letting her free.

I stood up after her and clinked our glasses together, "ready for a good night?"

She nodded and sipped from her straw, "do you wanna play a drinking game?"

"Yeah, let's move the party downstairs," I suggested.

She nodded once more and followed me down to her kitchen where we both poured some more drinks.

"Okay," she smiled, leaning on the kitchen side and looking over at me, "drink if you've done it."

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