Elsa's words

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I woke up around 9:30am and saw el packing her bag. ''Hey!! Good morning" i yawned

"How can someone sleep for so long? are you a beast or something?" el started yelling

"Wow what a beautiful start of the day" i shoved my head inside the pillow
"Get up already you sleepyhead! Aunt sally is in the hospital and we need to rush" el said.
"Fine just five more minutes"
"Nope not a second more. You better get up right now or i am leaving you"

"Stop acting like my mom., i am coming just give a second" i got up and went to change. I was ready in nearly 15min and we left for the hospital.

We quietly entered the room and saw an old lady sitting next to ana while holding her hand. She was across the age of 63 and was wearing a musky veil beside she was mumbling something more like chanting something real quick. I saw rose standing next to her, she noticed us and slowly came to us.
"is she?" el asked and rose nodded
"So what is she doing?" i asked keeping my volume down
"How am i suppose to know that?" rose rolled her eyes
"Sssshhhh" mr. Blaze said while keeping his finger on his mouth. Just then aunt sally said "Rose was right she is haunted"
"Say what???" mr. Blaze shouted. El took mr. Blaze out of the room.
"Look at this poor child's hand" she said while looking at ana, rose and i went near the bed and saw some dark marks on her hand....Marks as if her hands were tied with thick rope and someone grabbed her hand way too roughly. Both of her hands were bruised.
My eyes filled with tears, tears of anger "They have to pay for this" i said in the most aggressive voice as i clinched my fist in burning anger.
"whAts happening to her" rose asked aunt sally
"The ghosts are feeding on her soul and she is fighting hard to survive. Unfortunately this young lady has only 7 days left"
"What?" on hearing that we turned around and saw el standing at the door. She ran towards aunt sally and grabbed her shoulder
"Please aunt sally i beg you tell me how can i save my sister. Please tell me, is there any way i can save her, even if that way mean death to me thats okay., i will try anything just tell me can i save her?" el started crying
"E.....elsa" i was speechless
"Ofcourse there is a way my child" aunt said while cupping el's check by her hand., she continued " You have to bring her soul back. Release her soul from that demon's cage and she will be back to normal but that wont be easy. That forest is full with demons and they won't allow you to walk in their territory or to release her. You need to be brave and determined., once you step in that demonic place there is no turning back"

"We will do anything" rose said and el and i nodded
"Very well then, young youth is full of passion blended with obstinate nature., even if i say you not to go there i know you will go so i wont stop you., Go to Wolverhampton and there you have to find a shop of Mr.JAMES, he will give you evrything yu need in your journey, you dont have much time so hurry up and girls please be save" she said and we all nodded with a smile.

"Dont worry about her" aunt said while placing her hand on ana's head. "I will take care of her until you return" by saying that aunt got up and went out of the room where i and rose followed her.

When we came back we saw el sitting next to ana.
"Hey sis just stay a lil strong, i am coming for ya.. I know i have always been rude to you., i always thought that father loves you more than me, my friends like you more than me., i always felt insecure when you were around but...." el started sobbing "but... you are my elder sister i love you, please forgive me'' el held ana's hand close to her chest " Just hold on ana i am coming for yu"

"Actually ana we are coming for yu" i said while placing my hand on el's shoulder.
"Just count on us buddy we are coming for yu" rose said to ana and we saw a tear rolling down from ana's eye.

"Lets do this guys" el said as she wiped her tears. I gave her a smirk and so did rose... We three were ready to slay those asshole demons....

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