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''How could you?" i screamed at him
"Are you suprised?" he asked
"We should have never trusted you in the first place" rose said
"Quite!!!!" the asshole king ordered and we turned to him "Good work drake.. You bought us three slayers... I dont care about the souls we lost because of them., these three souls will worth one year each...."
"Why did you betrayed us?" rose asked
"Oh rose cut it out..., dont drag me in that melo drama.. Isn't everything clear now? I work for the demon king and bring him souls.. You know....i first came here with my elder brother who was a slayer, he had the stone of knowledge. But when we got caught., the king was kind enough to let me live and he even gave a place here... From that moment i am working here. He owe me my life" drake gave an evil laugh.
"Shame on a person like you., oh sorry shame on a demon like you" i yelled at him

"Let it be guys!!! It's all my fault. Dont say a word to him" el said while tears rolled in her eyes.. "I am so sorry guys because of me you both are trapped here but please dont blame drake.. He is a nice guy., he is just scared.....just like evryone. He saw his brother dying and i can feel how much that might have hurted. Thats okay drake i wont blame you for my death" el said to drake and pulled out a smile
"Sssssshhhh" the beast next to el slapped her... "Damn youuuuuu!!!!" i started running towards el and a ghost came in my way., i dodged his punch and shoved my dagger into his chest..
"You disrespectful brat" an another beast standing next to the ugly fat king yelled at me, and continued saying "How dare you kill our men infront of us.. Now dieeeeeee" he shottted a bullet on me... I was able to see the bullet covered in fire coming straight towards me...
"Nooooooooo" i turned right and saw el coming towards me and in next moment i was in air... My eyes widened on seeing that el pushed me and took my place.
The place was covered in smoke....
"E.....e...el?" i was completely speechless and tears rolled up.. Slowly the smoke cleared and my eyes widened on seeing drake covered in black ashed and burns all over his body. I lowered my graze a little and saw el on another side save on the ground.

"Drake!!!!!" el screamed and held him.

I stood up looking at him in disbelief "El....... I am sorry!*cough* i never wanted to hurt you but the bitter side of mine made me do this... All i ever wanted was friends.., friends who trusted me" he started crying "Thank you el.., thanx for believing in me that i am a good guy... My brother's death made me insane and i took the wrong path but i will always remember your kindness elsa blaze.. Thank...k you" by saying that he took his last breathe.
I looked at the demon who shotted drake with a deadly stare and went towards him, "You killed a very loyal friend of mine.. Now get ready to die" i started running in his direction many ghost came in my way but i killed them all and rose killed all the other ghost by staying right next to me.
"Mish your pendant? " rose said and i looked down, it was shinning..., i felt the power rosing inside my bones and making my soul stronger than ever.. I kept on smashing and cutting the ghost with my swords i was close the minister ghost just then i heard el's cry..

Me and rose frozed there and turned back to el. "Leave her you bastard" rose screamed. The demon king was holding el's neck from behind and with every press el was screaming in pain. I turned back to the minister and saw a punch coming but before i could react i was in air and got smashed into a wall. I got up and felt a blood line flowing from forehead. Taking the advantage of my condition many ghost attacked me at once and i got quite a beating there.
I coughed blood and my vision was goin blurr. One ghost grabbed my hands and took me infront of the king, i turned to my right and saw that even rose went off gaurd and had quite rough hits. Her right cheek had a cut and it was bleeding even her arm was bleeding. I looked up straight at the king and he had the creepiest smile ever.

"I am totally impressed by your power girls" he said to both of us "Let me give you a choice" he pulled out a rope which was tied to a soul "Isn't this the soul you were searching for"
"Ana!!!!!!!!!" i screamed
"Now choose!!! You want the slayer or the soul?" the king said
"Give me a minute" i was looking here and there i spotted something on elsa...
It was a little squirrel, the same squirrel el saved in the forest.., the squirrel went into her pocket and took at the devil repel perfume and pushed it in ana's reach... I saw ana touching the perfume.

I quickly turned to rose and she smiled.. Damn i was relieved on knowing that she saw it too...
"Okay i have decided i want ana" i said
Just as the king left ana, el took out her perfume and sprayed right on his face...
"Aaaaaaaaaaaa" he screamed in pain and let el go.. I took out the sharp rings and threw it at the ghost holding rose., just as rose was free she pulled out eagle(gun) and shooted the ghost holding me.. El ran towards us and we ran out of the corridor..

"Now what???" el asked

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