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The forest seemed to be awfully calm. We were able to hear birds singing, the weather was damn calm. We parked our bikes at the entrance.
I took out the map and started giving the instructions as we kept walking in the forest... Mr.James told us that the only safe place in that forest is inside the waterfall where the lamp is and only the lamp can help us in finding ana's soul, he also said that the waterfall is in the middle of the forest its easy to find it but yet he gave us the map.

We kept walking for about 30 minutes and stopped as now we had three ways to go...
"So which path should we take? " el asked
"I am trying to figure out but the map say nothing about the three way" i replied
"Show me?" rose took the map from me.. After a minute of realisation she turned to el "Who the hell gave this jerk the map" she yelled at her
"Hey what wrong?" i interrupted
"i was sure that you are an idiot but i never thought you can be this dumb" rose shouted at me
"Please learn how to come on a point okay?"
"And you please learn how a hold a map okay?" she responded
"What? "
"All this time you were holding the map upside down" she growled
"Oh shit" el said and started laughing..
Just then strong winds started pushing us..
"Gosh this is bad" rose exclaimed.
This time the winds started blowing wild... We three were forced to go in different directions.. After a certain distance the wind stopped and i found myself alone in the thick forest.
"Guys????????" i started walking and calling them out but got no response. Just then i saw a purple signal in air saying meet at the waterfall.. ' its definitely rose' i smiled i started running towards the centre.. I clearly remembered that mr.James said "no matter where you are just keep on walking straight and you will find the waterfall" so i kept running in the straight direction.

After atlst 20min i was worked out and decided to take a little rest. As i was about to sit under a tree i hearded something near the bushes.. I took out my beretta and slowly walked towards the bush, i bend down the leaf infront of me and saw a bird with long features trapped in a net. I quickly ran to it and teared out the net to set the bird free but its feather was wounded.. "Dont worry little guy, el must have something for yu.. Yu can come with me" i caught it but the bird was wild he bit my finger with his peak.. It was so bad that my finger started bleeding but i just smiled at him "See i wont harm you can trust me" and took him in my arms and started walking towards the waterfall.....

After a little while the bird started flipping his feathers roughly.. "Hey! hey! hold on what happened" i tried calmly him down but in vain. I sensed a voice coming out of my bag, i opened my bag and saw my radiator which was indicating that two ghost are very close to me.
"Now i see little guy, you wanted to say me that we have a company here" i smiled and turned my head straight.
I saw two ugly creatures walking towards me... "Seriously!!! I am so disappointed.., i really wasnt expecting you guys to be this creepy.. Even seeing you guys makes me sick" i gave myself a facepalm.

"Give us our food back" one of them said while looking at the bird..
"If you want it come get it" i pointed my sword on them.
They both came at once and started tackling me at the same time., the send them flying with a kick on face "You guys are the demons everyone are scared off??? Dont make me laugh" i said in a serious tone and grabbed out my beretta and shooted it right into their skull...
I went to the bird and grabbed it "See i didnt even drop a sweat.. I am strong" i chuckled. I took him in hands and raised it up to see his features.... "Wow you are a pheonix.. Just as i thought. You got amazing features" i grabbed him close to me and started walking...

It didn't took long to reach the waterfall... i went near it and washed my face with the flowing water., even pheonix got out of my grib and drank some water.. I sat beside him and waited for others to come...
After a while i heard few voices coming close., i quickly went on guard but to my relief it was el........with a boy????? 'Who the hell is he?!

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