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"i am not leaving without ana" rose said
"Dont be insane... How are we suppose to go inside that fire.. That will be suicide" el yelled at her
"Then be it... But i am not planning to go home without ana" rose was determined about her decision.. She started walking towards the fire and we kept on watching her.
She raised her hand slowly into the fire
"Hey guys... Its cold.... The fire is cold" rose said and turned back while her was still on the fire.
"Rose!! your pendant" i said slowly... Her pendant was shining bright and was in air.. We all noticed it.. "It the symbol of?" drake asked
"Courage" el replied
"That make sense" i went near rose and turned to el.., then el and drake joined us... Pheonix got on my shoulder and we went into to fire...

Just when we stepped in i turned around and found wall... "Woah now how are we going to return?" drake asked and we ignored him
"Let time decide that" i smirked.
Just then we heared voices... Slowly the voices started getting louder and louder...

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