Pious Pendants

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We entered the basement and to our suprise the basement was the complete opposite of the shop above...
My eyes were stunned on seeing my view.... The whole damn basement was full of weapons...
"Woahhhhhh now thats what i was searching for" i screamed and ran towards the dagger stand
"Seriously mr.James you got some crazy stuff here" rose said while investigating the guns
"You got all the ancient and modern daggers... This is soooooooooo kool" i was super excited on seeing daggers and swords

'' I know!!!!! just look at this beauty" rose said as she held a red rifle.

"Seems like you don't like these things girl" mr.James said to el. I went near to el, "Listen buddy we cant win from ghost by a rose or by a pendant, we need fucking weapons so be quick and pick some" i whispered and el nodded.

I turned to mr James "It seems like we are going to buy things more than we expected" i said and he just responded with a smile.
" But mr. James the very first thing i want to buy is this pendant" i showed him the sapphire Stone pendant "So how much does it cost?" i asked
The basement went cold, rose and el were staring at mr James., as even they were eager to know about the pendant.... Mr.James widened his eyes on my question
"Its free for you dear" he smiled
"ahaan" he nodded
"But i cant take it for free"
"Those are not ordinary pendants dear..." he looked at us..."They are pious and free from evil. Every stone has its own meaning, it stands a feeling., and the stone itself choose the person who perfectly fit for that emotion"

"o....okay" i didnt got a word but i agreed on taking that pendant "Thanks Oldman"

"So what does this emrald stone stand for?" el asked while wearing that pendant.

''Its the sign of kindness" he smiled at el

"And what does this ruby stone stand for?" rose asked
"For courage" he smiled at rose

"So kool so what does sapphire stand for? For power or something or for grace or saviour? " i was so excited about it
"haha- no!!" he gave a small laugh "Sapphire has a very gentle meaning..... It mean friendship/loyalty''

"Say what????????????? Friendship? You sure this is exactly what this stone mean. Like c'mon i rarely think about my friends" i growled
"Really?" el and rose had the scariest expression ever.
"i am doomed" i whispered to myself while looking down
"Oh is that so? You never cared about your friends...? so tell me dear...why are you here..? All set to fight those soul eating demons, risking your own life inorder to save your friend ana? " he asked while raising her left eyebrow.... Damn that old greaser

'' i....its because...... I....i...." i was struggling to find words
"haha thats okay if you dont want to except it but thats the truth" he laughed again

Mr James was kind enough to let us have all the weapons for free. When we requested to pay he said it has something to do with aunt sally and we should not interfere.... To me those two were complete weirdos
I picked up the required daggers and swords where as rose gathered some guns and el had some small toys. ... Idk what it really was but she was so confident about those stuff. We were all set to leave Wolverhampton.

"Thank you so much mr james" el said
"thanks for the forest map too" rose added
"yeah not forgetting the weapons" i chucked a lil
'' i am sorry this is the least i can help you... Beside i got something for you all" he said and handed a compass to each...
"What is this? rose asked
"Its a ghost radiator, when a ghost is near you the radiator will start indicating., this way you will never be off gaurd."
"Kool'' i said
"Those pendants will help you find your success" he said and gave us a huge smile..
We three nodded and left for toronto. The place where the Dãmon wald is...

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