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I took out my torch and turned out to see where we are... "I dont believe this" i turned from 0 degree to 360 degree., the whole place was filled with captured souls. Everyone were screaming for help. It was creepy af...

"Do you think ana is one of them?" el said and grabbed my hand.
" i cant say.. Lets check it out then" we went to each and every cell and those souls tried to grab my hands everytime i came close to find ana...
We kept searching for cell to cell but ana's soul was no where to be found.
"Lets go and search somewhere else" drake suggested and we started moving
"Noo wait!!! Please help us.. Please!!!!!" the soul started begging., each and evry cry made me slow.
"Please!!!!!!!! I have a daughter to take care of... She is waiting for me.. Please set me free" on hearing that i couldn't move a muscle, i stood at my place.

"Hey??? Why did you guys stopped? Dont you have to save ana?" drake asked as he rushed to the door. I turned to my right and saw rose holding her rifle tight, i turned back and saw el standing way back... She stopped long before i did...
"Guys can we please help them?" el said while trying to hold her tears
Rose and i looked at each other and gave a smirk
"Thats exactly what we were waiting for you to say" we both rushed back to the cages..
I took out my sword and broke the locks and rose did the same. In no time we set all the time souls free...

"Lets go now" i said to el and she gave a beautiful smile and wiped her tear.
"El look" rose said and pointed her pendant... And now it was el's pendant that was shining bright and was in air...
"What does your stone mean elsa?" drake asked while still standing at the door
"Kindness" rose replied and i gave el a smile..

We rushed to the door... We kept walking in a narrow corridor and ended on a two way passage...
"now what?" i said in disappointment
"You and rose go on right side and search for ana... I will go on the left side with drake" el said
"No... We are not goin to part ways" i argued
"Try to undrstnd mish if we went separate ways we can find her soon... And now no arguments i am not goin to listen a word you say" el claimed and started walking with drake and took the left side.

"Seems like we have to go through right path" rose said and we started walking..... We kept walking and walking the path never ended..
"Hey rose have you noticed something odd?" i kept my hand on her shoulder
"What?" she turned around
"Where is your ghost radiator?
"Here" she showed her radiator and i was showing nothing
'' why didn't the radiator reacted when we were in the ghost cell?" i asked
"Exactly... Damn i didnt noticed it... What about your radiator?"
'' same... My radiator showed nothing nor did el's radiator showed something" i said
"It kinda impossible for all the radiator to get damaged at the same time"
"But its kinda possible for someone to destroy it all at once" i hold my fist tight in anger
"Drake? Why will he do that? He said he know ana and el remember"
"Yeah something is odd about that guy" i said and we continued walking..
"Hey wait a second" rose stopped me "Have you noticed something else?"
"What?" i asked
"The moment we are here we haven't seen a ghost gaurd who is trying to revolt against us? Not even a single demon showed up? They definitely know that they hav intruders and still no one came for us?"
"Gosh this is something real fishy.. We gotto rush back to el" i said and we started running back as fast as we could...

We finally reached the two way path and went on the left side... We ran as fast as we could and heared el scream without a doubt in our mind we were sure it was el screaming in pain..

We ran even faster and ended into a big hall.... When we barged in, the hall was filled with creepy looking ghost., the most ugliest ghost was the one sitting on a throne., i guess he was the demon king. I turned around and saw el who's hands were grabbed tight.
"Leave her you ugly bastard orelse i will make you beg for mercy" i said and grabbed my swords even tighter.
Next thing i saw was drake standing next to el with the ghost... Anger flushed into my veins on seeing him.

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