The Three Slayers...

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"I dont know keep running" rose uttered
Just then i saw pheonix coming in our way.. "Here you are.. So you found the fire?" pheonix flapped her wings twice "Thats great.. Guys lets follow pheonix"

Flashback ~
Went we reached the soul cage i knew that we will need fire to get out of here.. Since pheonix was a smart bird i sent him to find fire..
End of flashback~

We kept running after pheonix and some ghost obviously chased us... On our running i saw a lost cub... 'isn't it the same cub rose had' i asked to myself and grabbed him on my way... "Here's your furr ball rose" i throwed him at rose..
"Hey!!! Be gentle dumbhead he is a living creature" rose yelled at me and we finally reached the fire.
"You sure this is the same fire?" el asked
"Nope" rose said and placed her hands in the fire and disappeared..
"Here i go" i grabbed pheonix in one of my hand and placed my hand in the fire..
"AaaaaaaaaaAaaaa" i landed on rose...
"ouchhhhhh" that hurts rose said in pain., just then el fell on me..
"Aaaaaaahhhhh" i screamed in pain
"i am dead, just move you both i am not able to breathe" rose said i one breathe.. We both got up and i helped rose in getting up
"Where are we?" el looked right to left
"Hey guys look.. our bikes" rose pointed and i saw our bikes which were parked infront of the forest... We got there and rose said a farewell to her cub and even el said bye to the squirrel...
"Its good for them if they say in this atmosphere" rose said but i could feel that she was hurted
"Yeah" el nodded and she was all teary too... Just then i thought of leaving pheonix but the thought broke me into peices..
Pheonix came flying and sat on hand. "Hey buddy time to leave... I wish you could come along.. Take care" i tried drifting him off from my hand but he had a tight grip...
"Maybe he want to come along" el said
"yeah why not pheonix can come with us" rose said
"That will be awesome.. So pheonix wanna come along?" on hearing me pheonix left my hand and started making circles in air
"i take it as a yes" i shouted and el rose started laughing... We headed back to Cheshire...
On our way back we stopped at mullingar and got some treatment. From there we headed straight for Cheshire..

When we landed our foot in Cheshire we went to meet ana... And the moment i saw her doing fine i felt a relief in my body.. A big burden from my heart was removed... She recovered very soon and we celebrated our delayed anniversary....

I closed my dairy and looked out of my window and pheonix came from behind and sat on my shoulder...
"Hey mish????" rose called my name, while standing infront of my apartment. I looked down and saw her in the car with el car.
"Mish aunt sally called me and said there is a cursed island and she need devil slayers to solve the mystery.. so you coming!!!????" el asked
"Hahahahahaha you guys bet i am coming" i closed the window, took my bag from the cupboard and went down...

The air was filled with assence of new adventure.............. Maybe my dairy will get a new adventure.....

-----------------------THE END---------------------

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