Chapter 2

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Eda got to raines house, and knocked on the door. "Hey walnut, you need something?" They asked. Eda worked up the courage, the raine falling on her, and blurted out. "Raine.. I love you!" Eda said, once those words came out her mouth, eda was blushing hard. "I love you to eda! Your my best friend" raine said with a bright smile.

Eda froze for a second, then took a deep breath. "Raine.. Rainestorm.. I'm IN love with you.." Eda said, rainestorm eyes widened. "Eda.. I.. I'm so sorry.. But.. I only see you as a friend.. Or a sister" they said with a sympathetic look. Edas heart shattered right then and there. "Haha.. Good thing this was a stupid dare.." Eda mumbled, holding back tears. "Oh!.. Haha! You sure got me eda" Raine said as eda and raine both laughed.

Raine looked at how hard it was raining, then looked at eda who was soaked. "Why don't you stay the night? It's storming out" Raine said. Eda backed up, and chuckled, now crying, but you couldn't tell because of all the rain.  "No.. It's fine.. I'm just gonna go home" eda. Said, and quickly left.  

As eda started running back home, her legs gave out. Not because she was to tired, but.. Because her heart was heavy, it broke her heart to hear Raine say she was.. A sister to them. 
Eda broke down crying, as the rain poured heavily on her.  She was shak4, from the pain, and cold rain. Then eda heard a meowing sound. She looked up, her vision still blurry from tears and rain.   A small black kitten, walked up to eda and jumped into her lap to escape the rain.  Eda looked at the small black kitten for a second, then chuckled. "Guess.. We both had a hard night.. Yeah?" Eda asked. As if the cat would actually respond. Eda took a few deep breaths, then put the small kitten in her shirt, and ran home.

When eda got home, she took the cat out her shirt, then Camila and Lilith came up to her. "Edalyn! Oh my goodness, I was starting to worry- whered you get a car from?" Lilith asked. "I uh.. Found her"  eda mumbled. "Fuck the cat! Dis you get with raine!? Are you dating!?" Camila asked as her eyes lit up. Eda looked down, and sighed. "I don't want to talk about it.. I'm.. Just going to dry off..".eda said as she went to her room.  "Eda wait-" Camila said, before Lilith put a a hand on her shoulder. "Let's.. Just go, and give her space" Lilith said.  Camila aggressive, and they left, in liliths car.

Meanwhile, eda changed clothes, and dried her hair so she wouldn't get sick. Then grabbed a towel for the small kitten. "Poor must be a stray" eda mumbled as she dried of the kitten. "Who you calling a stray punk!?" The kitten asked. Eda jumped, letting out a loud screamed, and throwing the cat off her bed. "Ow!" The car yelped in meow. "You can talk!?.. Cats can't talk!!!" Eda yelled, and she backed away terrified. "Yeah yeah! I can talk to what!? Jeez! Do you throw every animal you save from the rain!?" The kitten asked. 

The kitten jumped back on eda's bed, only making eda more terrified.  "Okay now, if your done screaming.. I'd KILL for a bowl of milk" the kitten said dramatically. "I'm loosing my mind.. " eda mumbled. "Nope! You are the.. Um.. Oh the fool who bought my charm"  the kitten said, and sat down. Eda looked at the cat charm on her dresser, and sort of sat up. "Okay.. So.. Your.. A talking cat.. And.. You found me because of a charm I got from.. A store?"  Eda asked. "Yep! Now seriously.. That milk" the kitten said with a hint of sass. "Uh.. O-okay" eda mumbled, and got up. The kitten followed her, and eda put milk in a random bowl she had.  The kitten drank away at the milk, and eda contiplated her life choices. 
My crush thinks of me as a sister.. And there's a talking cat in my house..

Eda went to bed, praying this would be a dream.

The next morning, eda woke up to paws smaking her in the face. "Hey! Person!  Wake upp! I want breakfast!" The kitten said. Eda looked a the kitten sitting on her, and sighed. "Great.. It wasn't a dream.." Eda mumbled. "I'm real and so is my hunger! Feed me!" The kitten demanded.  "Yeah yeah.. Okay" eda groaned, and got out of bed.   Eda got up, and gave the kitten random food out her fridge.  "Alright.. Here you go" eda said as she rubbed her eyes. "I'm sorry.. What is this monstrosity!?" The kitten asked. ".. Food?" Eda said. "Ugh! Disgusting, I'm not eating that, where's the good stuff?" The kitten asked. "Uhh.. What.. Do you want?" Eda asked. "The..good stuff! Come on person! I see tons of people get it from the big.. Food box with doors" the kitten explained. "The grocery store?" Eda asked confused.   "Um.. Sure, let's go! Leat go! Let's go!!" The kitten beamed, jumping around.   Eda sighed, and quickly got dresses, and drove to the grocery store. 

As eda walked around with a shopping cart, the kitten looked around, but had to stay inside the cart.  As eda walked around the pet isle, the kitten reached her little paw out for the canned car food. "The fooodddd!" The kitten begged. Eda chuckled, and put some in the cart  to last a while.  "Alright.. Let's get a few other things" eda said, and the kitten nodded, and laid down, protecting her food.  Eda picked up a few cat toys, litter, a litter box, pretty much anything you need for a cat.

When eda for home, she threw the toys on the floor in her room for the kitten to play with, then pulled out a purple coller, with a small pendant with the kittens new name. "Alright, make yourself at home.. Luna" eda said with a smile. 

For eda to cope, she started giving Luna all her energy, regardless. "Luna!! Get in the tub!" Eda yelled, and she tried to push Luna down into the water. "Noooo!!! Thy wet demon shall not take meee!!!" Luna yelled.  Eda fell into the water instead, and Luna trotted away.  

One day, Raine came over to eda's house, unfortunately the only person who could understand Luna was eda.. So she remembered that so she wouldn't looK stupid.  "Hey walnut.. Who's this little cutie" Raine said, kneeling down to Luna, then petting her.  "Ah.. Her name is Luna, I found her in the rain" eda said, with a nervous smile.  "She's precious.. I see you wasted no time getting her everything she needed" Raine said as they looked around.   "Heh.. Yep! Iv been very busy these past few days" eda said, as Luna trotted on the couch and sat down. "Well I need your help with something and it's really important" Raine said, blushing slightly. "Oh?.. And uh
. What's this oh so important thing?" Eda asked with a crooked smile. "I.. I'm kinda into this girl I met awhile ago, and I.. Just want to know how I should go about talking to her" Raine said, holding the back of their neck nervously. "O-oh, um.. Well just be yourself rainestorm.. She's bound to love you" eda said with a weak but hurt smile.  "Edaaaa!.. That's not advice! Come on.. Your a girl help me out" Raine pleaded. Eda started laughing, and rolled her eyes with a wide smile. "Alright, alright, get up ya goof" eda said playfully, as Raine was literally on the floor begging. "Thank you walnut!" Raine beamed, and the stood up, then picked eda up. "H-hey!! Hey! Hey! Hey! Put me downnn!!" Eda screamed playfully.  Raine put her down, and the 2 we're laughing, and giggling.

Eda sat then down, and eda sat Luna in her lap. "Alright.. Ask about her interests.. Talk about her hair, and make up" eda said, as she was thinking about all the things Raine did to her that made her blush.  "Alright, what else?" Raine asked. "Make her laugh, hold her hand and stuff.. Honestly Raine.. Your already perfect, you just need a little more confidence" eda said, as she leaned back a little. Eda subtly put her hand on theirs. "Rainestorm...whoever it is.. Your after, is the luckiest girl in the world.. Honestly.. Just be yourself and everything will be fine" eda reassured, while also blushing, praying by some Miracle it was her Raine was after, regardless of what they told her a few nights ago.  "Thank you.. Eda, your the best friend anyone could ask for" Raine said with a bright honest smile. Eda kept her smile, but on the inside she really want to strangle Raine and tell them how she felt.  Eda sighed, and gave a smile. "What's her name?" Eda asked.

"Well.. Her name is.. "


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