Chapter 8

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Lilith and Darius were mortified by the sight. "Oh my God.. Lilith call the fucking hospital!" Darius yelled.   Lilith tried to pull out her phone, but kept fumbling it, so Darius took it for her.  "For fucks sake Lilith! Calm down!" Darius said. Lilith looked back down at eda, who was still loosing blood. So she took off eda's jacket, and covered up the wound with it, to stop the bleeding temporarily.  Soon enough an ambulance came and took eda to the hospital, and Lilith went with her.  

Calls were made, and soon enough pretty much everyone was there, well all except Raine.   Lilith was pacing back and forth, so much here shoes made a trail where she'd been pacing. 
"Lilith.. Pacing isn't going to help" Darius said.  Lilith wouldn't stop. "Wheres raine? Did anyone call them?" Darius asked. "Uh.. Raine.. And eda arnt really on speaking terms.. " Camila said. "What? Why, what happened?" Darius asked   "I'm not sure.. She wouldn't say" Camila said, looking at the door, of the room eda was in. 

Meanwhile, Raine was at home on their phone. They had absolutely no idea what was going on, because well they were thinking of eda. The fight they had.  Raine felt bad about what they said to her and honestly didn't know why they had said it. 

Because I love you!! Okay!? There I said it!

Thinking of the things eda had confessed to them during the fight.  Everything, wondering just how long she'd had feelings for them then thought back to the night.
Raine.. I love you!

The way she'd taken it back, saying it was a dare. They way she always acted around them. They couldn't place it.

It ment everything to me and I thought I would at least something to you!!

Raine covered their face, just thinking of what eda had told them. Everything.

your little girlfriend looks like a Beverley hills slut!

When Raine really thought about it, they had to admit she was right, although eda was exaggerating a bit. 

Raine still felt bad for cheating, but now couldn't stop thinking about seeing eda in such a way.  They blushed, and tried not to think about it.

Perfume can't make you cheat! It's called self Control!

Raine, thought about the way they were so attracted to her before. Everything they had thought about.  Her figure, her smile, her eyes.  Raine couldn't help, but look at all the pictures of her they had.  All of them making raine smile.    They again felt bad for everything they said.

she read my diary on the fucking intercom at my job!!
Raine wondered if Stephenie would really do such a thing. Then saw her come out the bathroom. "Hey Steph.. " Raine said to get her attention. "What?" She asked. "Did.. You read eda's diary on the intercom where she worked" Raine asked. "What? Oh yeah I totally did" Stephenie said.  Raine  was shocked, at how she had no remorse for it. "W-what!? Why would you do that?  Those are private thoughts and feelings" Raine said, hoping for Stephenie to at least apologize. "Because shes  Thorne in my side, and she deserved it" Stephenie said, rolling her eyes.  "Thats.. Not right! You shouldn't have done that, you need to apologize to her" Raine demanded. "Im not doing that" Stephenie said in a rude tone. 
"And I'm going to take the rest of these pages and put them all around the store where she works" Stephenie said, and showed Raine the pages. Raine snatched them from her and pointed to the door. "Get out, I don't ever want to see or hear from you again" Raine said in a cold tone. "Whatever, I never liked you, I just did it to mess with edalyn, she has a thing for you by the way, but she'd never speak to you again.. Dont think I dont know about that little fight you two had" Stephenie said with a smirk, then left.  Deep down.. Right knew she was right, eda would never forgive them.  The least the could do.. Was reach out to her.

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