Chapter 9

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A/N: I decided to have a shed of mercy, and give you guys a happy ending

When eda finally got out the hospital, she and Raine were back in speaking terms, and eda was not so secretly very pleased to hear Raine broke up with Stephenie. 

Meanwhile, Camila and darius were plotting. "I say we so it again" Darius suggested. "What!? Seriously I meann. It caused problems last time" Camila said. "Yeah but now Raine is single" Darius pointed out. "True.. But she probably threw it out" Camila said. Darius pulled out another bottle. "Damn.. Okay il spray her" Camila said, and took it from Darius. "Eda! Come here please!" Camila said. Eda walked out her room, as Raine subtly followed. "Yeah? Whats up?" Eda asked.   Camilla immediately sprayed eda with a perfume. "ACK! what the hell Camila!? What even is that!?" Eda asked. "Um.. Scented water" Camila said. Eda waved her hand around to get ride of the fragrance. 

Eda went back in her room with Raine, as they were watching a movie on her computer.  Raine blushed when she walked past them, eda dat back down, and put Luna back in her lap.  "Eda, what happened?" Raine asked. "Oh cam just sprayed me with some weird scented water" eda said rolling her eyes. Raine just couldn't help themselves, and put their arm around her, which eda didn't mind at all

Eda blushed, and laid her head down.
Eda didn't want to say anything in risk of ruining the moment. She wasn't sure if raines feelings towards her had changed, but what they had said to her that day stuck with her.

We will never be a couple!

Eda looked at Raine through the corner of her eye, they were watching, but had their arm, around her waist, and right now she couldn't be happier. Well she could be, but she didn't want to come off as horny, or thirsty. Eda did want to however be closer to them.  Eda looked at Raine, then Raine looked at eda. Eda moved her body a little closer to them, Raine blushed, and so did eda. It was warm and nice for both of them. Raine held eda close to them, and in a moment like this eda let her guard down. "Just.. One of the many reasons why I love you" eda mumbled. However Raine heard it very clearly. They were so relived she still felt that way, even after everything. "I love you back, walnut" they whispered to her.   Eda quickly leaned back, and looked at Raine with a shocked face.  "What did you just say?" She asked. Raine smoked, and kissed her forehead.   "I love you" they said again. Eda almost cried right then an there. However right then it started raining.  Eda looked over, then looked at Raine with a devilish smirk.   "Mm.. Come here" eda said, as she got off her, bed, and dug through her closet and pulled out a piece of paper, then grabbed raines hand. 

Eda put Raine outside on her doorstep. In the rain. "Okay.. Um.. I didn't think you'd be mad at me" raine said, hoping it was a misunderstanding. "I'm not mad ya goof, you remember whe  I was on your doorstep?" Eda asked. "Yeah-oh.. Oh.." Raine aid as the realized what she wanted.  "Read it" eda demanded in a playful way, biting her lower lip. She'd written this out as a way to cope, more excited Raine was actually About to read it to her.
"My beautiful walnut, I am so sorry I made you wait so long for me to realize IV  been dating a-.. " Raine started laughing at the next few words. "Eda.. Seriously?" They asked. "Read it, word for word" she said. "That IV been dating, an ugly, attention seeking whore, slut, dick sleeve, cum whore.. No milk having, lack of mother.. Lack of hair line... No personality.. Waste of oxygen.. Waste of sperm, failed abortion.. Mistake.. Ugly piece of shit" Raine couldn't NOT laugh, which made eda laugh. "Come on, keep reading" she demanded with a bright smiled. Raine knew she deserved this, so they humored her. "I am so sorry I wasted 6 and half months, give or take with her, the day I-.. " Raine blushed, and started laughing, by now they were all wet, but didn't mind. "The day I fucked you behind her back was the best decision in life so far, and I plan of doing it many more times in the future. Id be the luckiest person alive if you'd be my girlfriend/future wife, and mother to my future, hypothetical children" Raine said finally finished reading the paper. The paper was soaked, and so was raine. Eda held out her hand for them, and they took it. Eda finally then, kissed them.  Raine held eda's lower back, and her hips, as they kissed, while eda's hand rested on the side of their neck.   When they pulled back, eda helped them dry off, and dry their hair, so they wouldn't catch a cold.   "Any extra clothes I can wear?" They asked. "Uhh.. I have some goodies in my closet" eda said. Raine looked, but.. Then realized eda had stolen those from them"eda.. These are mine" they said. "Noo, they WERE yours, now their mine" she said with a smirk, and kissed them on the cheek.  "Now come love me" eda demanded, as she climbed Into bed. "Yeah yeah, I'm coming" Raine teased.  Raine e put on one of the thinner hoodies, and climbed into bed next to her. "Good night walnut" Raine mumbled, as they put an arm around her. "Night.. Raine storm"

The next morning, eda woke up, again not in raines arms, but she was okay, because she was content with them just being there.  Eda got up, and went to the kitchen to give Luna her morning milk. "Yesss!" She cheered as eda put it down for her.  Raine came out a few minutes later, and kissed her on the cheek. "Morning, walnut" Raine said with a smile.  "Hey.. Morning" eda replied.  "Hey, what made you think to write all that?" They asked. "Just to cope.. But you will be reading it to me every time it rains" eda said with a smirk. "Alright, alright. I get it. Sorry I made you wait so long" they said, as they put an arm around her.  "You were made for be mine, rainestorm" eda said, as she rested her head on their shoulder. "No argument from me" they teased, and kissed her temple. 

The end

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